
I remember seeing that Martin Scorcese had spoken out on his behalf and it made me kind of sad that one of my favorite directors was defending this creep. I think Spielberg’s name was on the list, too, who was a childhood (film geek) hero of mine. Kind of bummed me out.

We need a secret trans handshake! Ha.

Heh. I know what you mean. I know it’s a faux pas to approach another trans person in public and say hey, I’m trans too, so I haven’t said anything but there were two different times I was at my local Wal-Mart,of all places, and I saw a fellow trans woman there.

I’ve got pretty good radar for that since I’m trans myself and there are definitely people I’ve met who are trans and there was NO WAY I would have known had they not told me.

As someone who was told, right here in the Jezebel comments, that I wasn’t really a woman and to stop pretending to be one (among other very, very transphobic things) I can tell you that I sincerely appreciate your comment and comments like yours.

This gives me hope for the next generation.

As a transgender woman who has had to spend the last 32 years of my life pretending to be male and stuck in the wrong body (forgive the clichéd description) if this fictitious daughter of hers wants to be trans so much we can trade. Seriously. I'd be more than happy. Tell me where I can sign.

See also the very little seen “Boy Meets Girl” which is on Netflix. It has its issues (both as a film and as a trans narrative) but it is so rare to see a movie where a trans person is the main character and the actress playing her is actually trans. Really refreshing. The movie was only mediocre, if I’m being honest,

It's awful (I haven't checked Twitter but I mean society in general). It's improving but we have a long way to go. I can say that, personally, the negativity about trans people really does affect you, at least it does for me and a lot of other trans people I have talked to. It has affected me a LOT. I try to keep in

In my experience talking to other people in the community it definitely seems, for AMAB people, anyway, that many of them did indeed try to suppress their femininity/dysphoria by trying to “man up.” It seems to be a pretty common theme among trans people who enlist.

That's horrifying.

Oh, you’re a troll. I get it. Troll on then, troll!

Um...I never said or even implied that. But thanks for playing.

Don’t apologize. I was abused too and any time I hear about anything related to child abuse it enrages me. It would have made me mad anyway (who wouldn't get mad at children being abused?) but it especially makes me angry because I went through it and I know how horrible it is and it breaks my heart that other


My father was horribly abusive and he fought like hell to try to keep custody of us, even though he knew he would lose in the end because my brother and I were both old enough to make the decision we didn't want to live with him. I could see someone say, "Oh, what a good dad, look at how hard he's fighting

This disgusts me on every level. It reminds me of when I was 15 and, after being horribly abused by my father, being told by the CPS agent that came to my house that “everything was fine” and she wasn’t going to do anything (she said this after LITERALLY laughing while walking out of my house after talking to my dad-

That would be hilarious...in a movie. In real life, not so much. Sorry you went through that. :(

Thank you. Honestly, I keep saying this, but you don’t know how much this means to me. When I saw that someone had responded to me I was preparing myself for another onslaught of hatred.

You're right; they're bigots and what they say shouldn't matter. They're on the same level as racists and homophobes and they're just

You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Thank you.

See, this is transphobic. Because no one is reducing anyone to stereotypes. Caitlyn Jenner is being feminine because that’s who she is. And just as there are femine trans women there are also masculine ones and everything inbetween just as there are with cis women.