
I’m with you. Louis is my idol and a huge inspiration for me (as an aspiring comedian) but this is just so unsettling. I guess I can’t say for sure that it’s true, obviously, but I just don’t see any reason for her to lie. And I could see a lot of reasons why she wouldn’t want to mention anything, even veiled. It

As an aspiring comedian, this makes me feel great. ha ha

I meant meh! Stupid phone. But yes, since I don’t like dudes, men too. I don’t get all the hype. Ha ha

Yup. I got to episode 5 and gave up. Put it in the pile with Mad Men as “the shows that Kate doesn’t get all the hype about.”. Men.

As a trans woman who is still in the process of transitioning, I can tell you that this terrifies me. I can only speak for myself, of course, but yeah, I do want to be pretty. More than anything, though, I want to look in the mirror and see a woman staring back. I’m one year into hormones and I don’t see it. And it

Actually, the doctors in Thailand ARE reputable and are some of the best in the world. That's pretty common knowledge in the community and there are plenty of people who get surgeries over there and are quite pleased with the results.

Good chance he got it done in Thailand but they stick pretty strictly to the one year rule too, I believe. *shrug*

Most of it can be done in one procedure. Sometimes they may need you to come back to do some revisions (or you may want to). At least that’s my understanding (been reading up on this for years but it’s been awhile since I’ve heard details so my memory might be wrong).

Not necessarily. Typically you have to be living full time for a year before they will consider surgery. That’s all. And hormones can be really quick (at informed consent clinics therapy isn’t even necessary and they start you right away).

Heh. I remember a third (?) cousin who I barely knew commented on Facebook a couple of years ago that she was pissed off because the Girl Scouts were “too progressive” and were letting in transgender girls and she thought that was just awful, apparently. She was telling people not to donate to them.

I decided that a

I don't like reality shows generally, and I didn't agree with my dad on pretty much anything TV wise. But he kept bugging me to watch this show with him a few years back and damned if I wasn't completely hooked. I watch it every single week, never miss an episode.

ThThis single post washes away a lot of the hurt I have felt from people telling me the opposite. Thank you.

I meant to say I can’t be the person and woman that I am. Damn phone.

This. As a trans woman who has always been pretty feminine at heart it really makes me mad and frustrates me that I get extra scrutiny and I can’t just be the person and woman without hearing that I’m wrong or I’m setting feminism back 50 years. Yes, cis women can like girly things but not trans women! You’re the

There are tons of transpeople who fall all over the spectrum. Tons. Tons and tons. We are just as varied as cis people in that area (and, well, every other area you can think of). This might not be as apparent outside the community (yet) but that will change.

As a trans woman who has to be afraid to walk down the street because I might be murdered, I'd like to tell you where to shove your ignorant opinion.

Thank you! That’s really sweet.

I just want to say, I avoid the comment sections of trans articles like the plague but Jezebel is my exception. It is very rare to see any comment on here that is anything less than totally supportive and I can’t tell you how good that makes me feel. There are times (a lot of them) when I lose faith in humanity and am

The pronoun thing is really a personal preference. There are a lot of trans people who aren’t comfortable changing pronouns u til they’re further along in transition (and some who use neutral pronouns). I’ve been on hormones for almost a year but they are working veeeery slowly so I am still presenting male everywhere

Um...first of allall I don’t see how this addresses anything in my post at all. Secondly I was born a woman, thx.