
I use chrome with a side of firefox. I'd like to just use chrome, but some scripts I use for a site I frequent don't seem to work in chrome.

@Joshua.H: 1. Some people enjoy structure.

@Greetings-I-come-from-afar: I haven't seen any computers that have come out in the last few years do this, but I do remember that the ones at my highschool 4ish years ago did it. Now they tend to make you go into the control panel to do that.

It's a little inconvenient... but I'd use my google voice number :P

@Tightlines: If you're an accountant, I'm sure they want you to follow all rules and guidelines and not be creative.

@mediaphile: I second this. I own one of the phones I compared and some of the information that was actually there was just plain wrong. Also, there was a lot of information that should have been there.

So I tried this out. My parameters narrowed it down to 6 phones (one of which is the one I own). I clicked "compare" and noticed that not only is it missing a LOT of information, but some of it is wrong.

@ConorRyan: We're on NAC Maybe that's why.

@mattattaxx: Hopefully. I'll be really mad if it's something that will always be that way. Campus forces me to use IE for a few things and 9 was actually kind of decent.

@Rachel Leibowitz: No, I agree. 7 pro and ultimate come with XP mode. There's no reason to just have xp anymore.

Warning: If your campus uses cisco, upgrading to IE 9 will most likely cause you to not be able to use the internet at all there. It happened to me. I had to rollback. IT suggested that the Cisco NAC checks for IE 8 updates that you no longer have (or need) and freaks out that you don't have all of your window's

I've already done all of this and have a couple things to add.

@BishopBlaize: I'm going to play with it, but chrome is my main browser and will stay this way unless huge changes happen. I have a lot of awesome extensions and whatnot that are synced with my google account. I have something that really works and would need something quite a bit beyond "works as well as" to bother

@sbirge: Ignore the troll, the scented dry erase markers are quite nice!

I'm never more than 3 minutes late for work or class (barring one semester when I had a 5 minute break between 2 classes instead of the usual 15, but I let the professor know ahead of time and it was fine). I aim to be on time or early, but I do not think I should have to aim to be here 45 minutes early. I've had

@Christophe Franco: I really agree with all that you've said. Also, I need to get my hands on a mac to get more familiar with them.

@jer.steward: I'd say use some form of mint or windows 7 (or mac, of course, but I think that OS costs a bit). I'd also recommend that if you use Mint (normal) that you go with the 32 bit as it has support for 64 bit stuff and works better (flash out of the box). I tried both on my old 64 bit HP and had to fight

@masskonfuzion: Can Ubuntu run Visual Studio 2008+ through WINE or something? I've had classes that made us use that program.

@willwy: Yeah, I could buy it from Microsoft for $30, but campus sells it for $7.50. Windows 7 (pro or ultimate - I like xp mode) is worth that to me. I like Linux too and have tried going only Linux for a semester or 2, but I prefer running Windows 7 and having Linux in a virtual machine on it.

@avengingwatcher: $1000 laptop is my budget saver. It's also better than the $2000 HP I got (or the $2000 dell I'm on right now). As for an alienware laptop for $50, I want to be wherever you are! The best offer I've gotten for a laptop happened to be alienware and it was $700 since it was old and from a friend.