
@Jeremy Van Gelder: I like both the TV seasons and the crazy b-movies. It should be better soon with that huge deal they made a month (ish) ago. I think there was an article here about it.

@Whitson Gordon: Yes, I'm sure. It's on their website if you read the fine print. They don't cut you off so much as give you a warning call and if you do it again in the next 6 months (or was it a year?), they can cut you off from all of their services.

@Tachyon0118: I can picture them doing this, however it seems like it was just doing what it does to most shows to Firefly. Most shows on hulu (free) have been 5 episodes at a time. While it would make sense for them to plot like that, it is far more likely that they couldn't afford to host all of it for free

@Wayne Elgin: Sorry if I'm mistaken, but it seems like instantwatcher does not let you watch netflix streaming without a netflix account...

@Whitson Gordon: So long as you don't get your internet from Comcast T_T. They only let you use 250GB data a month. That's like 2 hours a day of HD streaming.

@showbiz2: I think $10 dollar netflix is 3 discs at a time (with unlimited streaming, of course). The reason I'm not getting hulu plus is because I'm a Comcast customer (not by choice!) and I have fancast, which I think is secretly hulu plus...

@jeremiah89: That is a huge difference! With netflix, if it's streaming, it doesn't seem to go away. Then there are the DVDs, but it seems it's comparing the ~$7 a month netflix plan that only streams.

I was wondering, does anyone know the difference between xfinity fancast and hulu plus? I have fancast (and netflix), and I noticed that it has the hulu watermark on the videos but that I can watch more than I can on hulu free. (Like BBC America customers can watch Doctor Who on fancast.) Just curious.

@blistermania: Agreed, however you CAN get netflix with only streaming for a dollar cheaper than 1 disc at a time. I think it's much less worth it.

@Wabbited: I find what you wrote to be very clear. I agree, too. I like the kitchen idea as it can be good for music and cookbooks. The laptops with broken monitors could always be used as a music server to stream to your phone... I wouldn't want to use an older computer for video, I don't think. By the time I

@ryan.xgamer99: And it tastes REALLY bad. If you want to see ridiculous abuse of glowsticks, there's a nice video of people who filled their toilet water reserve with glowstick goo on youtube. It looks pretty cool, but it has to be TERRIBLE for the environment.

@FЯeeMan: My flashdrives automatically pick the next empty letter after C, but that is a good point. If you don't have a floppy drive, why not use A? Also, I have no idea what B was ever for and am going to go look it up. I've never had a B drive, though, and I find that kind of odd.

@vinylrake: Really! I can't believe that some enclosures cost $80! I paid $20 for mine, and that's because it did both USB and firewire and had a USB to power cord so I wouldn't need to plug it into an outlet for the bigger drives.

@virgilstar: "others absolutely not (laptops usually in the latter category)"

@wolfkabal: Why buy an actual external drive? I made my external from stuff on newegg (a case with USB and firewire and a 500GB 7200RPM laptop drive) for cheaper!

@Alexander Riccio: That can work! I had a teacher who used really long cables and kept it in the fridge while getting the data off. Too bad it stops working after a bit...

@seancron: You're right. The Konami code was only one BA not two. Also, some sites it works on (that make no sense for it to work on) that lots of people use: Facebook and Google Reader. (and yes, ^^vv, but no one is arguing that)

@Unionhawk: My highschool didn't have a code, but it was basic procedure. Really, I don't get why they think a shooter will walk in during school hours and think, "hmmm.... I guess the students and teachers are all at home." Also, in the drill, I learned that we'd all die in the auditorium. 7 doors were left