
@drmrw: I'm sure they will! I'd be so happy with 2 256GB SSD.... My videogames would play SO well! Of course, I'd most likely do this on alienware if I were to do this right now. If I had about $3,500.00 to spare, I'd have this in an amazing desktop with an overclocked i7 processor and just so much awesomeness...

@wuli: Actually, I just made a new gmail account for my school email and I see where you got that from. If you only click "import" it's either a one time thing (grabbing what's already there) or it can check for 1 month. Click "Check mail using POP3:" instead. It asks the same questions and is the long term version.

@Gotlactose: I just feel like if you're getting your regular emails AND your school emails on one yahoo or hotmail type account, you'll run out of space quickly. Plus, (I could be wrong, but) I'm doubtful that people who are less computer literate and are attached to those services would either be on lifehacker, care

@wuli: No. It's not.

@NCase: Your IT should definitely be able to help you with that. It is something that's pretty standard. It gets harder when you move to better programs like Thunderbird.

@joshmattbrown: I'm in the same boat as you (minus the other schools around me using gApps). I think I'm going to just make a (second) gmail for my school email now that I can be logged into both at once in my browser.

@xnotion: I am extremely jealous of you.

@curtis07: I haven't tested it, but my school claims that you can only get it to work with outlook (full or OWA) off campus and that thunderbird only works while you are on campus.

@sugardeath: I understand you point about the money, that's valid. BANNER IS TERRIBLE. I hate it so much. My school uses it and there are CONSTANTLY problems. I don't even say this from just a student's point of view. IT, the department heads, and even professors in general all have issues with it. It can't even

@cyanea85: I know! That's why I have it skip my inbox in gmail. I need to check it, but I don't want it cluttering up everything else (and I don't want to use the webclient).

@Marijke Welch: You can still set it to auto-forward everything to gmail. I used the same thing at my school until they switched to live@edu. Here's the trick: The setting is not in OWA lite. Get outlook (I think thunderbird should work too, but I didn't test that), set your stuff up, give it the auto-forward

@theCyborg: have the stuff from the school email automatically get a label and skip the inbox (and never go to spam). It's under settings-filters in gmail. Then it's almost impossible to GET it to notify you about it (which is my issue).

@Gotlactose: I have had hotmail since 3rd grade, yahoo since middle school, and gmail since highschool. I see no reason to use hotmail or yahoo for email. Gmail is just better. It has more space, a nicer interface. I keep the others since I use the chat of both of them and I like yahoo answers, but gmail is better

My school used to just use an MS exchange server with outlook lite, but it moved to live@edu (basically, hotmail). I had little success with syncing my phone to the exchange server (I got it to work for a bit with one app, though I didn't try a paid app since I knew we were going to switch) and I can't get it to sync

@Lord_Cathbad: Those people confuse me a lot, but certainly don't make my sick in my stomach (or sick to my stomach).

Laptop, SD card reader, 500 GB external hard drive and usb cables for it (one of which also charges my phone), TI n-spire CAS calculator (it rocks), DS charger (why is that there?), extra laptop battery, laptop charger. Everything else is in my purse. My purse has all useful things except for my laptop and things

@Lord_Data ∞: I prefer hot apple cider through a cinnamon stick (as a straw). I had the same problem at high school, though I doubt a college campus would pull such tomfoolery.

@Duc: I don't know what's standard, but my campus health center treats any student with any health insurance for free (and we're a really cheap school).

I have no idea how much it costs, but I think it'd be pretty nice with 3.

I have no idea how much it costs, but I think it'd be pretty nice with 3.