Hmmm and you know what, Dave Chappelle did the “give Trump a chance” schtick in 2017. Kyrie and Kanye opened their 3rd eye so wide they can see Trump and his wisdoms too. I’m sensing a pattern.
Hmmm and you know what, Dave Chappelle did the “give Trump a chance” schtick in 2017. Kyrie and Kanye opened their 3rd eye so wide they can see Trump and his wisdoms too. I’m sensing a pattern.
I think that “stupid dick” is more accurate because dudes seem to hopping out of the trenches looking to catch a case.
“It was all a big misunderstanding. We were actually saying “Fund the police.”
I can’t blame him. The day after I had my second shot, I was a little sore and tired, then the next day I felt fine. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
“Cube was meant to play Will, whose friend Sherman (Black) falls in love with his mom”
Looking forward to Fox News embracing a member of NWA.
When you find yourself on the side of Floyd Mayweather and Tucker Carlson, you may want to reassess your life choices, but oh well.
Floyd Mayweather stay on the wrong side of shit. Power to the people? More like power to the fucking dumbasses.
And if Kyrie would rather be a hindrance to that end than an actual revolutionary, especially when the coronavirus has disproportionately impacted Black and Brown communities, that isn’t the type of “leader” anyone should championing.
We at least know someone was actually paralyzed due to an accident on set.
I don’t think it’s her place to name names of the people who got injured or attacked, that’s putting them on blast when maybe they don’t want to. If the people she talked about want to come out and confirm what happened to them, that’s their decision, it’s not hers.
Honestly, I’d love to see Vin Diesel write and produce a stoner comedy featuring him and a bunch of bros playing D&D.
The sad part about Johnson is he actually has some acting skills. If you look at his really early work, like in Be Cool, dude actually has some sort of range.
Oh no! It says in this pamphlet that cardiomyopathy can lead to empathy with fascist regimes.
If that was their only hit they’d probably be a lot less wealthy but a lot more fondly remembered. Or maybe half-remembered.
“Steve has been dealing with long-term medical issues over the last 8 years and during his last performance at the Big Sip stage, he suffered numerous symptoms directly linked with his current medical situation,”
Putting everything else aside, doesn’t it really feel like the fast movies esp since walker passed have teipled-down on Dom being the ultimate super man dude you don’t even know? Like it’s vins passion for sure, but he seems to have a wild and narrow view of what his character is. Which is completely infallible and…
The difference probably just is philosophical. They’re just different people that approach the world and job differently and negatively feed off each other.
I know Vin sounds a bit of a dick, but for some reason I’m siding with him in this stupid muscle head argument.
The personal digs are interesting, coming from Johnson. Particularly the “Unlike him, I did not come from the world of theater” line. Didn’t Johnson come from something of a wrestling dynasty? Not trying to downplay the physical demands of wrestling here but... I mean, it is a form theater, no?