Katrina Cornish

No we don’t. That it would mean that two states like California and New York, that don’t represent the people of the rest of the nation would always sway the election. It wouldn’t be fair to most states and the people that reside in them. For a country this large, with some many different people and life styles, the

I agree, Katrina.

Did you live in San Francisco at the time she was DA?

I remember when Harris was the DA in San Francisco. She was too busy making policies about what type of sentencing she will support instead of prosecuting cases based on the circumstances.


Israel is a mess. This region overall is a mess. Shame we can’t get a coalition together akin to how the world united to help end Apartheid and get this shit sorted.

If a woman were to be punished for an abortion — a position I want to be clear that I’m wholly against — then damn right the man should suffer the same punishment.

Fuck off, Tomato Shit

How do you know someone is lying to you or untrustworthy? When they have to tell you how honest and trustworthy they are, because they certainly can’t demonstrate it.