Katara C

I dunno, some of that is still the same. I play on a PVPRP server, and still like to ambush people from the opposing faction (& I’ve been hunted down a couple times myself!) That said, cross-realm zones have interrupted that a bit, since you’re less likely to see the same people over & over as you level up.

Also, I

The Worgen area is so awesome! I love the atmosphere. And the goblin area is hilarious. I love how everyone calls you Boss, and you can run guys down & they all yell about how they’re getting lawyers or whatever. So much fun :D

Really, you thought it was painful? I’ve been playing since 2007 (off & on, with some long absences in the mix), and reading it made me think of when I first played. I had no idea what I was doing, but I loved the prettiness of the night elf zone, had fun trying to figure out what I could do & how it all worked, and