Kristina Jurecic

There's no good to come from killing someone, no matter the offense.  This eye for an eye BS is barbaric.  I'm still dumbfounded they actually had the nerve to call him a killer, despite not hurting anyone.  This is backwards, naked bloodlust in my eye.  The justice system is super broken in that state.  Unreal...

I’m always taken by the last meals and the story they tell- heartbreaking

The death penalty is immoral no matter what.  I can’t even with this story, it’s just too fucking depressing:(

I hope I'm alive to make the pilgrimage to shit all over it.

Ah, for some reason it stuck in my head that he was born in 1944; my mistake.  At least if he was born after the war he can’t take credit for winning it.

Fam... please stop entertaining dontchokeonyourwoke. I shouldn’t have to say why. Dismiss on sight.

No human language exists that can fully and accurately express my loathing of this failed abortion.

Thanks for the link . Great information and advice if only the Dems. will listen. Backbone and fighting spirit have been missing from the majority of  Dems.for  quite some time.

The Pearl Harbor issue is all the more amazing when you consider that he was born while the war was still going on, and that for the adults of that era (albeit perhaps not the family’s inner circle) those were fresh and in many cases rather awful memory circa his childhood.  Trump in first grade was only a third as

I agree with what you said and what other commentators have said about the Idiot in Chief, what gets me really angry is those people (the experts, the grown ups in the room) that have been wronged, humiliated or berated, saw the incompetence, the law breaking said or did little or nothing at all.

More, that’s what new. Most people think they know how bad Trump is. Even now, they still don’t the half of it.

The fact that this article is behind a paywall is part of the problem. No Washington Post Democracy won’t die in darkness it will die behind a fucking paywall. You, The Boston Globe, NY Times & other outlets that people need to be reading should not be charging a fee to read these articles. There is a reason this

Trump unleashed his disdain, calling Afghanistan a “loser war.” That phrase hung in the air and disgusted not only the military leaders at the table but also the men and women in uniform sitting along the back wall behind their principals. They all were sworn to obey their commander in chief’s commands, and here he

Right now on Fox: Something, something, Fake News, something, something, Liberal Media, something, something, Bengazi, something, but her e-mails, something. In other words: same ol’.

Never attribute to malice what can just as easily be attributed to incompetence or stupidity. In Trump’s case, he’s all three...evil, incompetent, and stupid. Failing upward — it’s the rich American white man’s way.

I mean, this isn’t even MH’s finest hour. But at least he’s finally getting his due.

The title is trending on Twitter! Talk about the best time and article for this to happen. Michael Harriot is getting it DONE.

White people are weird, they weird out other white people!