
lol, if you’re going to troll you’re going to have to do better than this. 0/10

What a surprise that a racist troll doesn’t know how to spell “per capita.” Fuck off, dumbshit.

Hey, guess what? Fuck you.

Which capital? Startup capital? Sponsored today by the capital letter “F” for “fuckwit”? Get yourself a copy of “statistics for dummys”, mate.

That’s “ per capita “ you fucking moron

Trolling is more effective when you don’t say stupid shit like “per capital.”

Also, um, it’s May. What kind of lazy POS leaves Halloween directions up that long? Or puts them up this early? Does not compute. 

I’m so fucking tired of this shit. I’m tired of hearing these racist ass sons of bitches whining about their freeze peach and their second amendment when I can’t even get basic equal protection. Until that’s managed, I say find an excuse to throw the book at this bitch and do it like yesterday.

Wait, yes, yes I am exactly saying these racist asshats needs to be punched in their undoubtedly unfortunately looking faces.  

The woman was perplexed why no one knocked on her door—the house with the Southern symbol for racism and a historical reenactment of a lynching—and said she simply forgot to take the decoration down after Halloween...

I’m all for doxxing these people. I know we shouldn’t make lists of undesirables as that sounds too close to a ... right wing thing... but this literal deplorable needs to be shunned FOR. EVER.

I grew up in Colorado, they taught square dancing to all of us “inner city” kids, even then we thought as Titus Andromedon said:

To paraphrase Michael down thread, if he got into the scientific thefts we’d be here all day.

Public Health scholar here: I knew about him, but I don’t get to teach our public health history class. If I did, I would teach the shit out his story AND the fact that Muslim doctors knew that bubonic plague was associated with rats and that the Chinese knew that certain molds stopped infections and that Native

Hail, Hail Rock and Roll!!!

I see what you did with that last statement.

Mick and Keith were always loud about their blues fandom.

W.C. Fields left this s*it in his will...Motherfuck him and John Wayne.

Zeppelin, The Beach Boys, Elvis and The Beatles I’ll give you, the Stones? Keith Richards openly admitted Chuck was his biggest influence but outright thievery never occurred. Keith played in Chuck’s band for free, don’t say because he stole his music, on his Hail, Hail Rock and Roll tour in 87. If anything The Stones

The life-giving cells of Mrs. Henrietta Lacks.