
I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, but I’ve always wondered - how on earth do people find the time and energy to carry on an affair? After waking up early, helping get the kids ready and out the door, and then working all day, I’m just ready to get home, finish my responsibilities (dinner, dishes, kids to

I am both horrible and lazy. What restaurant do you think it is?

People in a public place have no expectation of privacy in that public place.

Because I am horrible, I looked into his most recent reviews. If it’s the right picture, it makes sense--the restaurant’s location is perfect for illicit assignations.

Seriously. It would make sense--from radio to TV to streaming. The only modern medium soaps didn’t hit is film, unless there were soap serials in the 1930s-1940s. It’s an artform, and as much as it is derided, plenty of writers, producers, directors, and actors benefited from soap operas, so it has its uses. 

there’s nothing inherently dangerous about swimming down 13 feet with a snorkel. In fact, it’s a hell of a lot safer than scuba diving

I just posted this elsewhere, but how far underwater could he even have been?  This probably didn’t look like much of a risk on the front end.

Guess I’m the only big sap here. I saw this and immediately got choked up.

People love to be snobs and pretend their are superior i guess

That being said, they ALWAYS. OVERCOOK.  THE PASTA.  Its like mush :(

Classy take, pops.

Have...have you been under a rock with the rest of the creepy crawlies for the past 20 years?

1. What the fuck are you talking about? 2. Fuck off.

I don’t think ON is denying that they brought in workers from other stores. Their explanation seems to be that the people brought in were “dressing” for the store, i.e. pretending to work there on camera, while the regular employees were supposed to continue working off-camera. Which would be perfectly fine and

You do, since you spent time clicking and commenting.

Being black 

I might actually look forward to this.

I honestly would prefer they had just remastered (4k HDR or whatever) the original and re-released it (which is much the same way as I feel about most of these pseudo live-action remakes), but I have to admit it already looks like it has way, way more genuine soul than the Aladdin remake.

Oh you know people are going to be singing along.

What a blessing. This is gonna be amazing to watch and really difficult not to sing along with at the theater.

She needs a bouffant wig.