
The votes are in. We're organized, but, we're no interior designers here.

I don't like how, now, when you click on an e-mail reply link, there's a drop-down. Arg. What was wrong with clicking on "more" and seeing the options across the screen? Oh well. Free is free.

Glad it's not just me who thinks it lags and is a bit sluggish.

"A cynic would argue that it's in this company's direct interest to make your memory look bad, so they can sell you the cure."

Too bad it shows you the answers instead of letting you type them in and counting first.

Is "unlimited" really ever unlimited?

Hmm. I know some BODY LANGUAGE that I'd prefer to use. Eye language? Arm crossing? Leg crossing? *Cough.* Ha. Let's get it on.

Oh fun. This could scare the hell out of someone, making them think their PC is haunted. Muhahaha.

Mmm.. sweet!

Nice find..

Nice tips. Too bad my camera is behind horrid. Frickin' slow shutter speeds.. oy.

The post says "USA or Canada" and links to the terms...?

Wonder how long it'll be before (heaven forbid) two facebook users swapping books meet.. and one of them is a psycho freak who harms the other person.

My laptop screen can open fully— with the screen laying flat on the table on the same level as the keyboard.

I tried to use Linux for audio, video, etc. needs. But, it just didn't cut it for *me.* I found the features in it to be a bit... amateurish. Sure, you can kinda do most stuff.. but hardcore professional applications really can't be beat in some cases: Windows, OS X, etc.

Pimp my ride: ghetto fab edition.

Definitely acceptable!

I have nothing to add here, so I'm going to opt for cutting people down and pretending that I had it all together at 18.