
Not a bad list.

Good idea, but I wonder how much this would cost if you didn't do it yourself?

That kinda works. I prefer putting the water/other drink in before the pill, though.

Well, that sounded a smidge harsh.. but seriously, are all of us going to turn off our cable/dsl internet access during our work, then re-connect?

Well, that's just idiotic. Duh, the internet can waste time if YOU waste it. But, it can also save you time.

Heh. Sucker free Sunday...

Oh geez, multiple 'batches' to vote on before 'the big vote'? Heh. I'll pass on that, thanks.

I vote "other."

Heh. It's kind of like "duh." But, some people are suprisingly stupid and don't realize this.

Nice. I don't like the sluggishness of Picasa, but hell, it's free.


Wait.. why's Gmail in the screencap? Did you get that to actually work?

"From a content perspective, I've noticed especially in the last few weeks a lot of one-line posts...I feel like the one-liners aren't consistent with Lifehacker's generally outstanding content."

Almost didn't notice this.

I'm all for changing sites, but changing them to look BETTER and not worse. This, sadly, looks worse.