This looks great! I just cannot help but want another game that has the body part damage physics that Bushido Blade had.
This looks great! I just cannot help but want another game that has the body part damage physics that Bushido Blade had.
Upcoming DLC characters:
Pebbles will live on forever...
First Mario, then Animal Crossing, now Mario Kart is on its way to iPhone and Android devices.
Eyewitness testimony is next to worthless. Human memory is awful, especially after decades of time have passed, and we naturally fill in holes in what we remember with details that “feel right”, even if they’re completely imaginary.
Despite the unfortunate fact that it has the Metal Gear name tacked on (Would be great as its own IP #FuckKonami), MGSurvive is suuuuper fun. I’m loving it. Will likely purchase it on a price drop or sale aswell.
“Interfering with a Gronk celebration, 10 yard penalty.”
Pretty sure IRL the Patriots would get away with that.
This is some Battle Royale 101 stuff. Be the hot guy that 4 girls want to take care of, befriend the girl who has insecurities about herself, etc.
I think Double XP wins this round.
Still the best one
Jon Jones.
Who? Jon Jones or Jon Jones?
3D animator Elijah Robertson has done a neat thing where he “did models of Nintendo consoles as if they were…
While I’m not sure MS are doing the right thing from a business standpoint they absolutely are from a customer relations one., if they could snag more exclusives it would help for sure . And keep in mind that the majority of games sold are multi platform titles that do appear on Xbox .
Sony seem to have this mentality lately of “we have sold more consoles so fuck our customers they bought them anyway so why do good things?” Not a good long term game plan . MS seem the best lately in terms of giving owners what they want which surprises no one more than myself. Nintendo finally seemcto be listening…