
I have a bay laurel plant. Bay leaves smell amazing when fresh (Bay Rhum is a great preparation), and GOOD ones, when properly dried, definitely add a fragrant and sweetish note to food. Like teaberry, sort of.


This is deliciously satisfying.

She is!


She’s a phenomenal singer.

Lame Duck, Limp Dick... po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

This was wonderful. Thank you.


And again this morning. oof.


I’ve moved on to whiskey, and I suggest you all do the same! I’m also baking a cake, because I have goals. ;)

*fist bump*

It’s solemn work, but it is my duty. I don’t WANT to eat all this buttery deliciousness and get drunk, but you’ve seen what’s out there. We cannot live in a world of fermented coconut and watercress smoothies alone.

In the interest of balance, I am going to rub a chicken with a paste of butter, garlic and smoked paprika, and roast it. I shall serve it with dumplings, Brussels sprouts, and bacon. And wash it down with wine.

Go to Cotton for drinks and a bite.

Gutsy ask... also, selfish and ill-advised!

Ughhhhhhh, what an asshat.

This woman is AN ASSHOLE.

Oh, man, what a shame; I’ve always liked her approach to her work, and her attitude. I’ll be curious to see what impact her departure has on the magazine.