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    Hot Fuss is one of my all time favorites. The second part of the album is just as good as the first. In fact, I even prefer the second part in a way, because those are the songs that haven't been released as singles and feel more intimate to me. Everyone should listen to Hot Fuss if they haven't already.

    It's because Cosby clearly couldn't get any satisfaction out of having normal, consensual sex with a woman. He needed to drug her first, and then assault her while she was unconsciousness. A sick individual with sick needs.

    I read the first book in the Strike series, but didn't think much of it. It read like Rowling was trying to be Agatha Christie, you know - revealing the least likely suspect as the culprit in the end. I don't know, I guess I'm generally not a fan of her writing, although the third and fifth Harry Potter books were

    I read the book and didn't like it at all. All of the characters were unlikable, no one to root for, a very bleak ending, and way too much swearing, sex, and all that adult content. It seemed like Rowling's idea of writing for grownups was including curse words on every page. Not sure if I want to watch the miniseries.

    Such true words! Michael Jackson fans, the most zealous ones at least, act deranged. They have this need to justify everything that he did. It's not enough for them to like his music, they also have to scream about him being a perfect human being, an innocent and pure-hearted angel sent from heavens who couldn't have

    i personally have no sympathy for MJ. I know that everyone deserves some, but I just can't muster any for him. I'm annoyed when I think of his penchant for always blaming other people and never taking responsibility for his life. or his stories about his 'terrible childhood' and how what happened then somehow

    it's not, no. you can spend time with kids, if you want to. but there are some norms and boundaries. an adult male shouldn't be having sleepovers with other people's children. a regular person would only want to share their bed with whoever is their lover. why would any normal person want kids in their bed? MJ could

    there was a rumour that began not long after MJs death that Jordan Chandler, his first accuser, admitted that he lied about the whole thing. however, it was not true. it was something that the fans made up in Jackson's passing to rehabilitate his image. Jordan has never publicly spoken about the allegations, the whole

    i think that by that time Macaulay had already started puberty, and therefore was old and unattractive in Jackson's eyes.

    its amusing that even after his death we still get to hear new stories about how weird that man was. there was no end to Jackson's strangeness! ha.