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    ROFL!!!! The Ayds diet plan really works!

    It gave me soul damage.

    I have hearing loss and my insurance doesn’t cover a hearing aid right now. I watch most things with subtitles (obviously that's not an option at the theater). I don't know about you, but for me something being louder doesn’t necessarily help. It's still still hard to understand, it's just... booming and hard to


    Omg I never said people don’t turn to crime out of desperation or to get food.

    Your baby is gorgeous! She looks perfect and peaceful. I would love book recommendations and I am in the USA. You have been through it and sound like you've done a lot of research. I'd love any info or wisdom you can pass on.

    I don't need to prove who I am to you. :)

    That David Coverdale is a great singer? I would agree! (for real)

    Thank you for sharing! I'm interested in all things birth. I don't have any children, but I would like to soon. I'm worried about whether or not I'll be able to labor (assuming I were to give birth vaginally) in whatever position I want and if I will be able to have any control over medical interventions/episiotomy.

    Congratulations, then. I’m glad you’re enjoying this time!

    Why do I feel like you've just read some stats or taken a class a social work class and never actually lived anything you're talking about. "Lol, okay."

    Beautiful baby. What is a delayed cord clamping? Lowering the screen so you could see the baby come during the surgery? What do these things mean??

    Bruce has some junk in the trunk. Why can't you just adopt Bruce???

    What kind of facility do you work in?

    Bitch, I’m from Flint, MI. I grew up on welfare and I've been incarcerated.

    That comment was top shelf batshit lol

    She had a 5 octave range in her prime. I don't even listen to her music, but she's an objectively great singer. What's the point of a comment like this?

    He wasn’t blaming a 3 year old for having the audacity to go to a pizza party. I also really doubt the overwhelming majority of youthful offenders are committing crimes to get food and shelter.*

    Hazing or other situations where people get drawn into participating in abusive behavior due to group think or peer pressure (or whatever the reason) really baffle me. I’m 29 and I would still be that person sneaking off somewhere to call my mom so I could ask for help LOL.

    Did you read the whole article? It sounds like he was pretty committed and had basically moved her into his house.