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    I don't know if that's 100% true. Alcohol and substance abuse is often a big factor is domestic violence. 

    Err, why? A lot of women will do almost anything to protect men who abuse them. Women lie and say they were NOT hit very frequently. 

    She might not be a real person.

    My ex told people the same thing about my bruises. One time the hospital called the cops and right there in the police report he told them, "She's a drunk. She falls down all the time."

    Im dying. "Hey, let me light that for you!" and road away. 

    That sounds like really dumb lies I would have told when I was a child.

    Ehhh, I don’t think looking younger is relevant. With age comes a lot of life experiences. Him looking 30 doesn't make him 30. Even if he wasn't famous, he'd still have far more life experience and likely more financial power than her.

    I have behaved EXTREEEEMELY poorly in my younger years (to put things lightly) and the police have managed to not shoot me.

    About the same age, pools are still scary.

    This is still scary to me lol

    Ahhhhhhhhh! Yes! That was very disturbing. 

    Pool ghost scared me so badly. I rewatched it a couple years ago and was shocked pool ghost was not actually as scary as child me thought lol.

    My experience tells me parents aren't 100% right about this. In my youth I have suspected everyone was talking about me and told myself my mother's wisdom that "nobody is thinking about you as much as you are thinking about you" and later been told to my face that "EVERYONE was talking about you!" Lol



    Heh. Heh.

    It can breath. It's coming for your family! Duh.

    That's horrifying. I don’t kill spiders without a broom and a can of Lysol or Raid. I’m not killing this thing without a flame thrower lol.

    I totally thought you said: “Is Splinter’s death the reason FOR the protest in Minneapolis last night”

    I understand why greying started...it was because of all those awful porno gifs right? I think some people really dislike being grey or getting greyed for seemingly no reason. Maybe there's a better way! Idk. I always automatically hit "pending".