
Meh. I’ll just take this for $25.

Eli, sadly, was not invited

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

Be honest, it’s because he’s white. His brashness doesn’t offend you, but maybe Floyd does...

I think it’s about time for a downvote button on this site

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently

“This isn’t exactly new territory for Indians fans, many of whom are eager to point out that the logo isn’t actually racist because it wasn’t meant to be racist, or that Chief Wahoo is fine because he reminds them of watching baseball with their dads, or that they heard Native Americans have other shit to worry

Officials wanted to punish him further but he plead “Sorry guys”, the ultimate Canadian legal defense. After that they were powerless but to return of verdict of “No, no, we’re sorry.”

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

This won’t make the cut, but in terms of College Roommate Nuisance Stories, one of my two other freshman roommates played Live’s Throwing Copper the entire year. That is not an exaggeration. That album played at least once a day, for the entire year. For anyone wondering how long it takes to get sick of Live, it’s

except that’s not Chick-fil-A’s menu

You’d be surprised how many people love Chik-Fil-A.

So we’re just giving ICP a pass now?

Now playing

Well, at least it spawned this little gem

Couple possibilities. One is that this is just one of several models, like the Xbox One S has. The other is that this is meant to be a cheap, entry-level console and that Sony expects most hardcore gamers to buy the Neo.

Now playing

This one, where people say this turd should cost around $60k and reminds them of a Tesla and a BMW.

They’d check how much of it was bound to her receptors, screen her for known mutations in those same receptors, weigh the hoarseness of her voice, rate the development of her pubic hair and breasts, evaluate her muscles, size her labia, palpate her vagina, and measure her anogenital distance. In other words, they’d

That’s like video game all the time. These are one off type of episodes :D

Nothing from the reboot series?