Kastle, Queen of . . .

Well, when your entire agenda is basically a retrograde, reactionary return to the robber baron 1800s where only white male property owners were permitted to vote - and you’re in the 21st century - and your cover is that you’re “attempting to govern”, you’re going to have a few problems.

I need to understand why the Dark Chocolate gotta be naughty?

Consent at another time doesn’t go back and retroactively put consent into a different scenario, nor is it a blanket of consent for future encounters.

So what they had consensual sex later? Trying to take advantage of someone who is inebriated is always wrong, especially without prior history of consensual sex.

The funny thing about consent is that it can be there one time, but not another time. A person can even give consent at a later date, after they convince themselves that something wasn’t as bad as they thought it was originally — and maybe they eventually decide it *was* that bad after finding out more about the other

Kinda’ need both parties to say something was consensual. That’s sort of the definition of the word.

I think LaineyGossip said something very astute about the whole thing. They said something to the effect of Blossom stays mad that her career is a non factor based on how she looks. The article isn’t really about sexual assault it’s about her re airing her hurt. Which is obvious, but here is where lainey turns it.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

I’m as snarky as the next commenter on this site but I honestly just fucking teared up reading this. Like, I had to wipe away a tear. Are these human emotions I’m feeling?

*“We will be replacing tailight and license plate bulbs indefinitely FOR FREE,” Unity Autoworks, a Twin Cities car repair and customization shop, explained. “A defective bulb should never be a reason to be murdered.”*

“My nigga, I will fuck you up!” And he’s like said, “Bitch, I will fuck you up.” So you know, that shit fucked me up.

The annotations alone make this piece worthy of a damned Pulitzer.

Bobby, I know people will decry my sentiments in defense of your poor soul, but I am beyond delighted that you are willing to sacrifice yourself so that we may have these entertaining posts. It’s selfish, I know, and I do apologize for that, but you are doing a service for us all, so thank you from the bottom of my

This is actually a straight sports story, covering how journalists cover sports; I think we have a pretty good read on the mindset of our readers; and the mindset of our readers is not the or even a controlling factor in what we cover or how we cover it. (If we alienate enough people I assume I’ll end up pumping gas

He doesn’t have to know that he is a white supremacist to be a white supremacist.

I’m not sure a couple dozen idiots clicking and posting comments about how they don’t want to read articles they could quite easily avoid reading is “the majority of the readership.”

I still don’t understand the obsession with Pippa’s dress. I hated it.

Meghan Markle is, of course, radiant without any sort of embellishment.

Saunders added that her role as a “high ranking government official” should preclude her from having to submit to a deposition.