Kastle, Queen of . . .

No snark, but I’m really glad Ben and Jen are staying friends. It’s gotta be good for the kids to know that mom and dad still like each other.

Because you punch up, not down.

She struck a deal with prosecutors (later dubbed the “deal with the devil”) and pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the deaths in exchange for a 12-year prison sentence.

No, she plead guilty to manslaughter and spent 12 years in prison.

She was still charged and served time, just not nearly long enough.

I have been about the only white person in my neighborhood for ten years and I haven’t called the police once (to report a black person or otherwise). But maybe that was because I didn’t know I was a pioneer! It is because Oregon Trail didn’t include that as one of the challenges.

You took me on a journey. Now I feel bad for ol’ Wetter and want to send him a fruit basket, or a gift certificate for a massage at one of Long Island’s many fine day spas.

Let’s not forget that Obama didn’t, and this is an idiotic red herring tossed out by simpletons who don’t understand how things actually work. Congrats on outing yourself.


Most excellent, yes, opportunity lies yet for another capital E.

In a separate announcement, the Worldwide Humanitarian International Tribunal for the Empowerment and Theft of Attention, Remorse and Sorrow (WHITETEARS) announced that it will honor All Lives Matter with the 2017 Wypipo Achievement Award.

Yeah, no. They’re suing to protect all the Joshes of the world.

No Rich, thank you for sharing those amazing Celine Dion quotes. She is such a lunatic and I love her.

This is one of my favourite books of all time, and I have still not forgiven the Met for closing the tumulus (referenced in the book) the one time I was in New York and had headed to the museum to see it. “Sarah looks like pharaoh! Pass it on!”

Let’s go one step further, even. I want an entry in a searchable database every time an LEO unholsters his or her firearm or taser including date, time, officer information and demographics, suspect information and demographics, an index to the bodycam footage for that encounter, and ultimate result of the encounter.

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

I liked this. nice, candid, to the point, fealt honest. also a little snap shot in time effect. cool & thanks.

Okay now that REALLY doesn’t sound right. Angelou is known for Not being a fan of modesty. I quote: