Yeah, most prepubescent children lack the ability to plan ahead. I think it has something to do with, like, brain development? And science-y stuff? Ya know?
That may in some minds explain or justify Kylie.
Huh. My mini processor is the second most used appliance, after my coffee maker.
Brava!!!! 👏👏👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
But gladiator sandals are cultural appropriation!¿?!
Apparently the jk in the tag justifies anything in her mind.
FYI reports now say it was her personal assistant who was partying.
¿ you can spell apocalypse but not harbinger? That is unusual.
Step one: have miniature debt
I held off the federales for hours as I dove headfirst into the mountain of cocaine on my desk and shot off appx. 28 50-round AK47 magazines and got an academy award for it. Big deal.
You should hate being pedantic, as you are wrong.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Why quote a dictionary in a legal discussion? I can proof a loaf of bread without proving a damn thing, and literary deranged does not not mean legally deluded. This is not a difficult thing to grasp.
What does selling yoghurt have to do with gay sex?
Personal attacks? No she didn’t. Purposefully stupid? Not written. Do you really think people reading this thread can’t see exactly what she did and did not see?
It doesn’t mean she isn’t what she says she is....
I would in a heartbeat, dearie.