
@Chrystolis: I would agree the game is difficult if you aren't familiar with the mechanics or can't get the hang of the motion controls. I didn't get very far in the game, so later worlds could be very difficult. I certainly can see some kids new to the franchise being very frustrated with dying and having to repeat

I tried playing Super Mario Bros. Wii last night and I just couldn't do it. I didn't even get to the end of world 1 before I wanted to go back to a different game on a different platform.

@Zelyre: No Star actually made good points. This device is sad.

I honestly don't know who this device is for. Underpowered and overpriced compared to a netbook or other portable. Not as mobile friendly as an iPhone or iTouch or Android. For gaming; only if you're iDumb.

@FiestyPanda: Exactly, there is no way that Natal could be done on the Wii in software and as MS has already figured out the cost is too high to expect any consumer adoption if the processing power had to be included with the camera sensor unit.

Yes they are ruining it which is why I ended up not reading this article either.

@icepick314: Yep, HD Okami please and this time leave the waggle off, the regular controller on the PS2 was much better than the Wii waggle version.

Let's face it, the "iSlate" is really just an excuse for being able to purchase and play Myst again ;-)

So what this really means is that the kind of people that play the Sims either don't pirate PC games or don't know how.

I have to give the nod to UC2. To have a PS3 and not play UC2 is almost criminal. But at the same time, I certainly spent more time playing DS; DS went from a rental to something I couldn't put down for almost a month. I played through UC2 twice and then set it aside as the multiplayer failed to engage me, in part due

The difficulty of Demon's Souls is overstated. It is actually only difficult if you want to make it hard by not playing within its rules. In fact, if you play it the first time as a magic and ranged character it is one of the easier games you can play because the AI is horrible unless you are up close and then you

There is a giant error in the information above. Movies never make profits. Creative accounting insures that no movie is profitable, including Titanic and Avatar. I'm not joking, look it up.

I want to see a SSX for the PS3/360 with SSX 3 quality gameplay. I want to see a Burnout more like Burnout 2 and 3 and less like Paradise City.

On a related note, if you can stand to watch it, see The Cove.

@Diamond Sea: Not only was it a new IP, but it is one of those games that you wonder who it was made for?! It has a lot of style, looks great, and the controls are fun; one of the few Wii titles where the Wiimote didn't make me hate the control scheme (I'm looking at you Crystal Bearers).

@vaporlagg: I watched season one basically because Hiro was funny. I gave up a couple of shows into season 2 and have no idea if it ever improved.

@raffleking: Well Jessica is still fun, but that's all of a few minutes at most each day you might delve into the site. The woman can play an Ocarina, that has to count for something.