
The fact that no Kass Amiibo was announced makes me super sad.

I adore Monster Hunter, I have a PS4, but I would be more excited if this game was for Switch. I love the portability of MH. I like playing in the same room with people.

Ever hear of a 3DS, Switch, or Vita? Just curious why you wouldn’t have one/bring it on a plane if you’re a journalist for Kotaku.

It really is expensive, but it has become my favorite controller. I really love the feel, heft and pretty much everything about it.

It really is expensive, but it has become my favorite controller. I really love the feel, heft and pretty much

Monster Hunter XX Switch release same time as Japan. A new Metroid Prime and a new 2D Metroid. (Hey we said Dream announcement)

I only own A Link to the Past and Super Metroid, but they are CIB.

Fuck. You.

Easy @cheapassgamer Nothing beats getting news about a deal on a game you want. This has saved me money and scored me pre-orders that were highly thought out, like the original Switch Pre-Order.

I personally hate voice chat, I don’t need to know an 8 year old just beat my ass. Even with Monster Hunter, Iwould rather type something fast like “wait”, or using ready made and custom made messages instead of using voice chat.

I enjoyed the motion control, but I was terrible with them, so I switched to pro controller. Pretty sure I won’t go back to motion control.

A ton of fun, I like Splatoon but I never really got into it, Arms immediately grabbed me. Played with motion for a bit, but I sucked with them, so moved to pro and got decent. The motion controls were good though, but require more practice.

Oh my God, MH with a Pro Controller worth a wired internet connection on a big screen...

No, peak Wii was much higher, it’s pre-disaster though.

I already played Generations on 3DS and was planning on using my save for XX, but fuck it, I’m starting again from scratch on Switch. I am fucking psyched!! Time to kill some monsters on a big screen!!!

You didn’t add Pikmin or Minish Cap? What, you hate Nintendo?

Hey Gita, have you tried allergy shots. My friend married someone who had a cat, and went to an allergist for it.

Said nobody, ever

You are wrong (well, Makoto is my fav too), but Yusuke sucks, and is an annoying poseur.

I don’t play with four people enough for it to matter. And when I have the cash to buy another controller, it will definitely be another pro.

I don’t play with four people enough for it to matter. And when I have the cash to buy another controller, it will

I love it both ways, but I do love the pro controller, it’s probably the best controller I’ve ever used.