
I always thought the time travelling aspect was the worst thing about Assassin’s Creed. I mean I’m already playing a game, I want to be fully immersed, not reminded of the sheer artifice of the thing every few hours. It’s as though I would play Red Dead Redemption, only to have James Marston’s descendant come out

The 2016 Wii U lineup has been abysmal, there is no denying that. However I still think it’s a so-so system that had some absolutely fantastic games on it.

And still zero mention of Monster Hunter Generations, since its release, by Kotaku...

The problem is that millions of Americans just shat the bed with their vote. Trump is an international threat, a diplomatic nightmare that can catapult us into a world of hurt. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenario. The electoral college saving the day could mean a civil war, but then again a Trump

3DS has crazy amount of great games.

Brick by Brick is one of Iggy’s best albums.

I like the game quite a bit, but the DLC is garbage. If you do find the regular edition for cheaper, go for that. The dlc is an insult. Hopefully developers will learn from CD Projekt Red.

I like the game quite a bit, but the DLC is garbage. If you do find the regular edition for cheaper, go for that.

5 and 8 are masterpieces. I can’t wait to play 7.

There is a part in one of the short stories where Geralt gets drunk and crosses a cat’s path who hisses. The one where Yen is fucking that Mage.


Yeah, in the book cats dislike Geralt because of his mutations. I was very ambivalent about the patch. On one hand I thought, damn CD Projekt nailed another small detail yet again, but the cat lover in me does not enjoy being an ambulance feline scarecrow. I thought nibbles was a nod to CD Projekt’s in house tabby.

Yeah, so isn’t there another Capcom game that was released recently to really good reviews and sales that you guys have completely ignored? Am I the only disgruntled Monster Hunter fan here? I mean 500 articles about the crazy crap feat that is No Man’s Sky and zero about Monster Hunter... What gives Kotaku!?

So Kotaku wrote 20 articles about this failed game since its release and i’m still waiting on the Monster Hunter Generations review and articles about what a friggin great game it is. Seriously, enough about these hyped games and back to the real gaming treasures.

If this is Snake, why does he look like Ron Perlman?

I hope he’s on some watchlist

Started my third playthrough

I just hope Iga and his Bloodstained don’t go that route!

Finished Blood and Wine and decided to start my third playthrough of the game. I just love it so much

After about a day, in game, an infamous stuffed unicorn made its appearance in my bedroom. I laughed hard, saved my game one last time and bid that playthrough adieu.

Gwent is so awesome. I played the game through twice, I just started a third. And getting all the Gwent cards is one of the most joyful things I do in the game