
So this is like that no-carb bread they sell at Costco? Kinda tasteless, but useful for sandwiches or French toast.

Mold generally will not grow in the presence of borax.

Is sumac poisonous or is that something that the fourth graders told us second graders?

If the interview starts out with shaking the left hands, think twice about the place.

Two gyroscopes might help, plus an object in motion tends to stay in motion (momentum) unless acted upon by other forces.

Let them stay glued to the wall until they wet their pants and then photograph them, not while they are feeling fresh.

Cover the bottom of a tea cup with pepper. Cover the pepper with salt. Cover the salt with sugar. Add about 1/2 inch oil - remember this sin a teacup. Add a good glug or two of ketchup. Add about 1/2 inch of water and some garlic or other seasonings. Stir and pour over salad.

Least of all with a 4-page menu.

No one would fault you for this effort.

Not without a crew cut.

Let them glue themselves to the wall and now keep anyone from coming to their assistance. It might be necessary to mop up a bit of pee, but it would diminish the incentive to do this stupid trick. Being glued to the wall makes it very convenient when the police arrive.

Either way, the filters catch the dirt.

Even dental schools use sliding-scale fee structure.  It has been many, many years since one could wander into a school and get all that work done.

In my previous house I had a drawer dishwasher, which I used frequently. Now I have full-sized dishwasher and I guess the bending and reaching are so annoying that I hardly ever use it, despite the fact that it uses less water and does a good job.

The cook gets the highest reward, but not everything that goes out of the kitchen is cooked, like bread, butter, salad, beverages, etc. I gave the chefs a basin in which to soak their knives. If someone tossed a knife into a sink full of water, that’s where it would stay. Treat the dishwasher well, because he’s going

I wish her and her child health and happiness. Some day, she will be the 65-year old parent of a teenager. It won’t be easy.

“Not to mention that Hepburn/Tracy had a love affair...” Weren’t they actually each other’s beard for “other” types of illicit relationships?

I bought my first “Radar Range” by Amana in about 1974. It was big, weighed a ton and did not have a turn table. Turn tables were sold where you ould wind them up and they turned for so many minutes.

It’s an interesting challenge to read the dial or see the numbers. 

My grandmother (d.1956) use to put a couple of tablespoons of Spry or Crisco in a cloth and dab it on her waffle iron to ‘non-stick’ the surface. The fat melted through the cloth, coated the surface, but it didn’t pool. I’ve seen a chef do something similar with a flat top.