
When I was in Italy, the kiosk did not offer another language. I finally corralled a teenager and pointed at the kiosk and pointed at the burger he was holding. He tapped the screen a few times and pointed me toward the counter for pickup.  Getting coffee without cream was so difficult I just gave up.

I know two people who are mildly allergic to raw tomatoes.  Cooked is ok.

People need to remember that the microwave can run at low energy (1 or 2) so that it doesn’t cook the meat. Another good move is to freeze the food flat so that it thaws evenly.

They’re getting a little long in the tooth, so one may hope that they are able to make this thing go.  Two people known previously known for their stability are not always likely candidates for enduring relationships...

See also: Sweet Potato Gougeres 11/19/19 from the Takeout.

Standing barefoot, the plantar muscles o the bottom of your feet can flex and push against the floor when your center of gravity changes. Wearing super cushion-y shoes defeats that muscle contraction and it’s like walking across a lawn.

“...it’s something that we don’t think about...” in fact we never even considered the possibility because it’s needlessly cruel. 

Maybe he’s already done enough pointing.

Much better looking.

“...maybe back them up to your computer and cloud storage to make sure you have multiple copies...” Not maybe. You need to store the information offsite somewhere - a relative in another state, perhaps. A thief will likely take phone computers etc., and sudden and serious weather can happen anywhere, we are

What if the garlic is roasted?

They are doing this to chase us away so they can file for bankruptcy? Any other theories? No matter how many times we tell them that we hate this format, it keeps showing up.  At a certain point, it’s time to look elsewhere for information.

Years ago I had home made French fries cooked with really, really good olive oil ( the type so good you can dip bread into it). It had that buttery taste, and at the McCrory’s lunch counter in Uniontown, PA, they offered fries with either butter or gravy. In 1961. “It’s a potato, ain’t?”

Instead of the fetus pictures they use, pro-lifers should be made to see what a anencephalic child looks like.

Probably helps a bit if you look a lot like Nate Burleson.

Beautiful, but difficult for an old fart to get in and out of.  Had to pass.  A lovely machine.

Is there nobody around who could just glance at what has been typed? Especially in a headline?  Maybe you don’t have regular editors, but you should have colleagues who care.

The milk proteins coagulate at a different temperature from the egg proteins, especially on high heat. 

I’m signed up for a school where they study pathology and decomposition. People who want to become coroners and pathologists need to see what being left in a field or under water for a few days actually looks like. My NOK has to pay for transporting my body to the school. Eventually, they’ll cremate whatever is

I live in an area heavily populated by the elderly.  Our local market will sell a half loaf of their sliced bread.  That’s enough for a few days for someone dining alone.