I’m reasonably sure that the animal I’m eating ate some kind of plant, so that makes it a rounded meal.
I’m reasonably sure that the animal I’m eating ate some kind of plant, so that makes it a rounded meal.
If you’re going to mention throwing out the rice why not tell us what happened to it? Did the taste change? Was it moldy? I buy 20 ln bags and break them up into either bags or former potato salad containers. Never had any go “bad”.
My kinda baking.
A mime would be quieter.
So it’s an ad for that brand. Nice.
Didn’t your parents tell you not to play with your food?
Or you can get it direct from Sony for $1 more. $1799.
Or you can get it direct from Sony for $1 more. $1799.
Thank you, John. First it was unnecesary slide shows, and lately we’re doing movie clips. Some of us read these sites when small humans are napping, ore can get the information a lot faster than in a clip. This is all very manipulative. They’re gonna see viewership drop off.
I think Miracle Whip has sugar in it. Anything that is popular in the south stands a chance of having some sugar in it.
Pat Carroll was a wonderful comedienne! Whenever she showed up on tv, we perked up. This was on our13" Dumont tv and later on 21" RCA. I’m sorry that our younger generation doesn’t get t see the skits she was in.
Oh good. An unnecessary video. Some people can’t watch videos at work, or late at night when everyone else is a sleep. Is the literacy level a problem?
Mild rant: It may be difficult for Lifehacker to comprehend, but we do get tired of being manipulated. We click on things that are interesting, and when you put obstacles inner way, like full-page pop-ups, we simply go away.
I know it’s not your problem but the comments are borked over at Takeout and part of Lifehacker by an ad that says “around the web”. They’re so damn eager for clicks that they are driving people away. Maybe you can pass the word.
I knew I was in the right place when I saw the note about necessary butter. Thanks, Claire.
He doesn’t need the money, so this is all about his ego. Not interested in watching someone preen and justify his bad behavior.
Covid deaths, insufficient medical care, witless governor, racism, low education levels.
“mixing worcestershire sauce into sour cream as the perfect pairing” we were doing this in 1957 or so. Then along came this miraculous stuff called onion soup mix and most people went over to that. See also: yogurt, which was almost unknown in the 1950s, so we mixed cream cheese with a little milk which is the same…
When they recommend mixing vinegar and baking soda, it’s a sign they’re just poking at the problem. All that gets you is non-acidic foam. Might want to find some Naval Jelly and apply that...
Slideshow? Nah.