So, flatbread?
So, flatbread?
Kitchen fire. Needs around $50-$55K to be made just liveable. Then you have to consider whether or not the neighborhood will support that value before you decide to invest.
Feel free to reference one or two of those “tons” of writings.
In a lot of the recipes where you can use vanilla, you can use a brown liquor like bourbon or rye or rum.
“Don’t use coupons because you are not capable of adult judgement”.
Sandra Lee’s show about Semi-Home-Made ran for years and she advocated using commercially-prepared elements in her meals. She was roundly sneered-at, but most households use some element of her ideas. How many people actually make vanilla pudding from scratch nowadays just to incorporate it into a cake mix? Anybody…
White Castle was the forerunner of many chains today. It was relatively inexpensive; there was absolute uniformity in the offerings,; it was speedy; there was a mixture of salty and sweet; it was sold in a clean, bright environment by people of all ages; the menu was very limited; in its weird way, it was very…
The letter “g” is followed by a vowel in those cases. Graphic granola, gram, grand, great gross, grime, grind, glamor, gland, gloss, glass, Ghirardelli, etc. Then some exceptions, from other languages where the following letter is “u” guano, guacamoles, Guanajuato, etc.
I can knock out a great meal, but I can’t do it in the required 15 minutes, and if the guests in my house are unhappy with the delay, they can be reminded that it’s free food they didn’t have to cook.
I’ve been sautéing radishes in an excessive amount of butter for years, but lately I started adding the stems and leaves towards the end of the process. Just another way to convey butter to one’s mouth.
Yep, that was quite a discovery, all right.
Only nine ingredients. Perfect. Measurings cups and spoons, possibly a weighing scale, two mixing containers, one for dry and one for’re right, it’s a cinch. OR I can take one cup of Krusteaz, add two-thirds cup water and stir briefly.
A ricer will give you that texture without breaking the potato cells and releasing the starch that turns potatoes to drywall paste.
“French farm girls fell in love with English soldiers during the Hundred Years War and would gift them these little cheese valentines.” coeur a la creme.
Sure take two grams of vitamin C and then let’s have a chat about your kidney stones.
Cruz has to go back to Texas, badly-outsmarted by a young Black woman. This is not a feather in his cap. Supposedly, he’s the secret genius who graduated from ivy-league schools, and here’s this mere woman - a black woman at that - patiently explain the ABC’s to him. Embarrassing.
Feed them and they will multiply. They are able to recognize shapes, and can learn to fly at you if you chase them away from the garbage.
Vacuum the bathroom first, because you’ll never get all the hair out of the room once you start wiping with moisture.
What is an inspected rental car?
I bury a teaspoon of horseradish sauce in my salad dressing - not enough to be distinguished, but it wakes up the palate.