I’ve never seen a “cute” used that way.
I’ve never seen a “cute” used that way.
Beef plus dairy. What’s not to like?
We ate Egg McMuffin every day while touring Tokyo, Florence, Italy and Rome. Consistent, portable, quick. Getting a full cup of black coffee was not so easy.
Our local Walmart has about 10 self-checkout machines, but a line forms before entering that battleground area, and that’s where the store has put the gum, candy and little toys that attract the hands of kids riding in the carts. When mom is checking out, she is unlikely to take the candy back to its source and she…
Braggs has started another internet rumor. Sales must be down since they were touted as a cure for pollen allergies (when mixed with honey) or a weight-loss regime (also when mixed with honey). If I see a bottle of Braggs with the ‘mother mold’ in it, I know I ve see a true believer (of anything, anything at all).
She released it. Is that because there weren’t enough pythons slithering around that part of Australia? Isn’t that a non-native species?
Is a “cute” anything like a “cutie”?
Maybe it obscures the bitterness on the palate. We learned a long time ago that a pinch of salt “reduced” the bitterness of some coffees.
I thought Cara had already transitioned back 2007.
Instead of getting vaccinated, why not get sick and use the medicine my friend is peddling.
Soap surround fat globules and washes them away. Soaps work better if they have a surfactant in them. Detergent actually breaks up those fat molecules. Many people using detergents are calling them soaps, and many bath bars are essentially detergents. Ivory is a soap and Zest is a detergent. Dawn is a detergent…
She’s putting the sponges at the bottom of the pot and covering them with soil. To quote you, “Soil has a tendency to get compacted, its particles fitting tighter together and air pockets between getting smaller and smaller.” and below that soil is the sponge. I’m not trying to be difficult. If this were…
Dozens. The Village was crawling with shaggy guys who had guitars and were hustling for front pocket change. Someone could easily have claimed he was Dylan - people did stuff like that hoping to get a gig. Getting her into the Chelsea would have been problem - the Chelsea was particularly stuffy back then - velvet…
Drazor 4:56 am states: “Especially when there are treatments out there which work to prevent severe symptoms of Covid-19 anyway.”
Similarly, you can make a shower spray with 1qt water and about an ounce of Fabuloso (some of the Fabuloso aromas can be strong - I check at the store before I buy it) just spray after the shower. The Fabuloso lowers the surface tension of the droplets on the shower walls and they run down the drain. It does not…
That would cut the bitterness that you sometimes get with mature zucchini. I peel my zucchini when I make zucchini garlic soup which can be hot or cold.
“The sponge will soak up the excess water in the soil, and the holes allow aeration,...” where are the sponges getting air at the bottom of the pot that the roots couldn’t get on their own?
Take your star and show it around.
Detergent can break down the waxy coating that some weeds have and the vinegar can get in there and kill the plant. IT doesn’t take much to do the job -just a few drops to make the water wetter.
It’s not so much a non-alcoholic margarita as it is a whole new drink and that’s great. I would serve this with no apologies and I like the idea of it being refreshing without people getting hammered.