Can I use Rose’s Lime Juice and pretend it’s a kind of gimlet?
Can I use Rose’s Lime Juice and pretend it’s a kind of gimlet?
This is the foundation he hopes to make for an insanity plea.
I sat on probably 30 couches before deciding on one that I like, but it was $1,000 too much. Recently, I bought the same leather sofa on-line from Costco for about $1200, and it was delivered from some place in Washington in about 6 weeks.
Staircase with Richard Burton and Rex Harrison?
I was taught to brown the flour by putting a cup of it in the oven for a while and leaving it while something else roasted. You still have to watch it, but the process is much slower (~1 hr) and less likely to burn.
Did you learn about that by accident?
I put a 1/2 level measuring teaspoon of salt into a regular teaspoon and was duly surprised at how small it appeared. So, I stopped using “some” and started measuring because at my tender age it behooves me to reduce my sodium intake.
People leave their carts anywhere just to reach with diamond-encrusted hands and wrists for a tiny sample because it’s free. Then they go out to the parking lot and get into Bentleys, Mercedes and Jags. Those (mostly elderly) ladies can be mean about it, so be careful when you’re in their area - maybe it’s the…
Serving size on the “nutritional” analysis?
Nobody ever accused her of being smart.
We used to attend the local village ceremonies and then go to the cemetery and clean up the graves removing old leaves and twigs and planting geraniums. Always geraniums. I guess they need very little attention.
The only goal of this skirmish is to put Ron DeSantis’ name in the headlines, on talk shows and blogs. So far, it’s working pretty well.
I have asked repeatedly for a place where we can just go and click about 10 or 12 times and then not have to deal with slideshows and content blockers that say, “Click to Continue”. They could put a number at the beginning of and article and we can just click, click click and then read in peace.
Up until 1971 it was called Decoration Day and people put flowers and flags on graves. In small towns all over America, there were ceremonies remembering the war dead from WWI and WWII. The local fire truck was covered with red white and blue streamers, and the Cub Scouts and Brownie had their best uniforms on and…
After all the shouting and publicity, it’s still just another corporation and it will operate as one, cutting staff as much as possible. It will respond to poor reviews by blaming the short-staffed crew, and fire some of them. Sometimes they try the switch out the manager cure, but if you don’t have enough staff to…
I do this in the microwave, so I suppose it can’t be called roasting, but the result is soft, spreadable garlic in just a few minutes. I think I learned it here - cover with oil add a little water and shock it for a couple of minutes.
If they cannot get vaccinated, then I would hope that they have the sense to wear a mask to protect themselves (and possibly others around them). There is still a pandemic in the U.S. Maybe 50% of Americans have been vaccinated, but that means 50% are unable (young age) or unwilling, misled, or fearful.
Salty, but greasy and grayish?
Electric knife sharpeners are likely to take out too much metal too quickly. Spend a few minutes using a manual sharpener - it’s worth it.
If someone uses acronyms in an interview, edge quietly to the door.