
Those are the people who somehow think that HR is their friend. After they get used this way for a while, suddenly HR turns on them for spreading rumors and fires them for bad company attitude. It can be very satisfying to watch. “How could they do this to me after all I’ve done for them....”

Ok. So I made the first batch and I added about a teaspoon of Grand Mariner because in this house we are incapable of leaving well-enough alone. These are delicious, light, not too sweet.

The risk is on them. I’ll be protected.

Being treated kindly and with respect is addictive.  Is it more pleasant to be a well-known and powerful senator or a little old lady in San Francisco who never sees anyone?

Because there is no justice.

  • 6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped

The header picture is perfect - he’s wearing dark pants, dark shirt, he’s running with the traffic which means he can’t see it coming, and Oh yeah, red shoes. BFD. Don’t count on my headlights hitting your feet on a curving or hilly road - they might be the last part of you that they illuminate.  You need something

Embarrassment is that feeling you have when someone sees you make a mistake. This is between the child and the machine, unless someone is hovering. Is that the case? When I was a lad, if I turned in a paper and there were spelling errors, it got graded down. My teacher told me to use the dictionary. She really,

I kind of like the idea of a wristband. Civically responsible people wouldn’t mind other people seeing that they got the shot......and lived. It could be counterfeited, but the danger would be to the person wearing a counterfeit band - I’ll be protected and he’ll still be at risk.

That sounds so absolutely delicious that I want to make a casserole or cassoulet of some kind and use this as the top layer, kind like a shepherd’s pie.

You could try adding a capful of lemon extract and see. You are risking about $1.38 in ingredients, and the garbage disposal is right over there, so why not? No witnesses... I kind of like the idea of the orange citrus flavor because it’s not as strong as lemon. YMMV. I was thinking of using various and sundry

There’s a plastic thingy you can get at the Dollar store which looks like a cake cover. You can put it over the food and keep it from spattering and it’s reusable. You can pay as much as $9.95 on Amazon, or as I said, find a Dollar store, They last forever.

A potted partridge in a pear tree.

I like to scorch the sugar a (very little)bit before mixing it in. It gives a slight taste of caramel. A friend replaces part of the flour with powdered sugar. Pretty tolerant recipe. Also really good with craisins stirred into the batter.

See what he did to Arizona.  It may well be his first civic endeavor.  The newly-elect GOP members are in quarantine for 10 days or so.

It’s not funny to wish job termination (even imaginary) on a person who has no control in her resources. Maybe if he had aimed at the manager and included the hapless cashier as an ally, it would have sounded less needlessly cruel. The cashier could have mentioned it a lot sooner in the transaction, so she gets a

Boy, that’s asking a lot out of a handkerchief! 

Have there been any studies about heightened sensitivity in some families? Is it all acquired by association and not being thoroughly protected (masks, isolation).  Are some families more susceptible to drive-by infections that other people might fight off without noticing (asymptomatic).

I think it’s interesting to encounter regional and ethnic favorites as people move to different parts of the U.S. My northeastern mother would have been dumfounded to see mac ‘n cheese or green bean casserole on a Thanksgiving table, but she would have prepared rutabaga (not turnips) with bacon . When I prepared

I think exhausted is better.  It’s difficult to pretend that dizzy creature is important, but we keep being shown her image and hearing about what she said. At a certain point, aside form SNL, she should vanish.