At least Rubio still has his dignity and self respect .... Oh wait.
At least Rubio still has his dignity and self respect .... Oh wait.
Spatchcock the bird and smear it (generously) with mayonnaise. No basting, great color, lots of crisp, and the mayo holds the seasoning in place.
“Always a bridesmaid, never a bride?” A great deal will depend on the legislation that gets passed, especially if the SCOTUS knocks down Obamacare.
Roast them long and hotter than you think you should and they respond by condensing the natural sugars inside. Not very handy for Thanksgiving, but any other day, it’s great.
Well, you do you, but it’s only fair if you allow them the chance to opt out without huge grandma guilt. Most recently, the high number of infections have been traced to family and friends gatherings especially indoors. Given that information, I insisted that my usual 11-14 guests stay home, and they all thanked me…
The extended laughter is as fake as the materiel in his sermons.
“Am I weird for liking it so much?” no, but you mentioned saltines when everybody knows that the fish tastes better on those corn chips from Costco. If you’re going to have something with salt, don’t fool around.
Trump “played dirty” and it’s up to us to help the candidates in Georgia in their run-off. We got the presidency by using the tools provided (voting), and this is simply another goal. Warnock and Ossoff for the win!
Another terrible choice of words. “Defunding the police upon who I depend for safety? Hell No”.
Just a terrible choice of words. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a hated name throughout the entire life of some people and they are unable to chase the “socialist=commie” linkage from their minds. They approve of taking care of the needy, but they cannot stand that name.
Because this is America, there is very likely some obscure regulation that prevents Emily from signing that letter until certain criteria are met. If would be useful if that information were available to us.
Looks like an episode of “Storage Wars”.
The number of votes left to be counted would have been more meaningful if one of the networks had done a clip of what is entailed in the process. There is counting, cross checking, signature verification (or questioned) then some sort of batching in volumes able to be scanned by the machine. Then there is resolution…
Instead of the pink lemon can I use pink grapefruit, or would that turn the drink into a Salty Dog?
You can retire now. You’ve reached peak internet.
We have a similar issue in Florida where (mostly) tourists feed either a bear or an alligator and then are astonished when the animal shows its thanks by eating dog or a small human.
They can report about the lies without broadcasting the actual lies.
They can report about the lies without broadcasting the lies.
This is happening because you’re broke, but see if you can’t find some relatively inexpensive storage for your things. It’s not likely to be nearby, but when you’re starting over, everything is now in 2020 prices, including sheets, pots and pans, etc. A friend with a garage is a godsend. You may not be able to camp…
Wasn’t there a write up involving heating the turkey stuffing or dressing on the waffle iron? Last year sometime? Something about sweet potatoes and dressing? I’m getting very old and may have imagined it.