
I put the teabag into the water and then microwave the cup. The microwave heats the water and also heats the tea leaves, so brewing starts while the whole thing is heating.

My Granma let me help her stir the waffle batter, grease the waffle iron with Spry in a cloth and then watch until it stopped steaming. Then she’d take out the waffle (too hot for little boys!) and put it on a plate and she’d scoop out a preposterous serving of ice cream on it for me. My Granma loved me a lot. That

You’re not supposed to overheat it. It’s not cast iron. Doesn’t need to be left on the heat until it’s glowing before using it.

Who cares?

Every bit of this is so terribly sad. We were told that a few drops of chlorine bleach in a gallon of water would make it potable- probably in the Cub Scout Manual. No matter how wrong MMS is, it has the tinge of respectability. 

We all know Trump had social promotions instead of education and we also know that he is not inherently bright. Who benefits the most from all this effort to keep him in office? Miller? Ivanka? Jared? All of the above and a few others? Who is making the most money? By now, someone would have been able to explain

For the last few years before I retired, I made a chef’s salad in a takeout container and it took about this much time. I used the curly end of savoy cabbage instead of lettuce because it never gets soggy. Then I stacked cold cuts and cheese and sliced them. A couple of chops of bell pepper and celery and a few

Think about how much effort you are putting into getting your alcohol.  You may realize that you actually don’t have to drink.

I think the one and only excuse for owning onion salt is to sprinkle it on an avocado and eat it with a spoon.

How could this happen in Pence’s home state. Isn’t he the Coronavirus master? Remember Louie Gohmert went back to his office and held an IN-PERSON meeting to tell the staff he’s infected.  Those people simply do not care.

There is a great deal of piling on happening here. Maybe Ellen has some management issues, but I’m not sure I buy that, “Don’t look at her” stuff. Maybe leave her alone and don’t expect her to notice you, but you can’t be that imperious without us hearing about it long ago.  Some people have difficulty working in an

I remember when I finally had clothing good enough to wear while shopping at Lord & Taylor. It felt like a milestone, to not be self-conscious while browsing, and the staff no longer had that, “What are you doing in here?” look. They were always gracious, but I felt they were surprised to see me. I guess I was

People who refuse to wear masks will be known as “Hermans”, regardless of gender. People who go about their business without masks will be known to be “Hermaning”. Look at the guy over there Hermaning along like there’s no problem. We can’t go to that restaurant - there’s too many Hermans in there.

Hereafter, people who insist on wearing masks in a pandemic will be known as Hermans. To go about one’s business unprotected will be known as Hermaning.

Maybe his role in life was to be a horrible example.

How many people did Herman Cain infect at that rally and in the 9 following days?

A beer can opener (church key) is useful for scraping out old grout.

I smear Duke’s on chickens or turkey before roasting. No basting. Browns and crisps beautifully. Does not taste like mayo. Spices stick to it on the skin. I know someone who uses it to batter chicken for frying.

My first thought. Some kudzu showed up in a local park last year and they wound up killing a lot of native flora in an attempt to eradicate it. I went through the park the other day and I saw a few new strands - that’s all it takes.

From Tampa (Hillsborough) to Orange (Orlando) you pass through Polk (really, really, rural).