
Morons, stupid, simpletons”  we get the idea that you feel very strongly about this, but Burner Baby Burner is right - the masks do offer some protection - not as much as we’d like, but certainly better than nothing.  Sometimes a device can do two things at the same time.  Amazing.

THanks to Texas for taking one for the team.

Thanks for writing this. It is mildly encouraging to those of use who are “significantly over 18".  Ok, Ok. How about 18 years over 60.

I make my sammiches on a pannini press, not a pan like some person who just got their first hot plate in their college dorm...”

Florida on 5/17 had its all-time high number of cases. It was “opened up” around May 4th. Sounds about right- not every case needs two weeks to develop - if you get a higher viral load, you can get sicker quicker. I saw people in stores without masks getting close to one another. There was an attitude of “Well, th

Was she reading the lyrics for the very first time? ‘Cause otherwise, she had a chance to avoid that word.

Lots of people would be surprised to find that their fancy, “Decorator” curtains came from Penneys. Designers used to haunt the store and you could find unusual lengths for rooms with longer windows. Pennys had a great selection in the store and what they didn’t have, they could find.

When using a squeegee one end should always be on a wet area. That will keep it from “stuttering”. For exterior windows you can sponge on a strong 50/50 solution of sudsy ammonia and hose it off as a first pass.  May not even need a second pass if you dislodge the dirt.

I’d like a spoon rest on which I could stand a pot lid, so I don’t have to put it face down on the counter which makes a mess.  I don’t want to put it face up on the counter because then I have to reach under it to pick it up.

My grandmother had a waffle iron with a dial in the center of the top. I watched the needle s-l-o-w-l-y move up into the “Ready” zone. She had lump of Crisco in a cloth and she rubbed the surface before pouring the batter in. Then we could watch the dial until it was done. Very exciting stuff 74 years ago.

Shouldn’t he be fined for not having a mask and for not observing social distancing?

He’s got his left hand on his brains.

With about 10 more like her, we could have a country.

I am aware of several names on facebook where the account holder died several years ago. Having the real name was probably something Zuckerberg agreed to and promptly forgot.

If you order online, then the staff doesn’t have to touch money.

Sweet Tomatoes was so good for my conscience! I could go in there every so often, have an almost vegetarian meal of really fresh items and leave feeling pretty virtuous.  Their multi-grain bread was the best stuff in town - I ate it like dessert.

Seeing the header picture reminds me that I was planning to wash my sheer curtains this week. Might as well get to it.

At a certain point, I think people are just playing with food. Ooh! Ooh! Let’s mix this and that! 

The liar who does the shopping in my house came home with Eggo Blueberry Waffle cereal which he “accidentally” purchased: