
I wish Splitsider would have a comments section, don't you? Anyway, this article was great. Seems like the Everest sketch is an interesting litmus test; some people, like this author, say it's about the best sketch in the series. I myself never laugh at it. I laughed to tears at the 'Make A Wish' foundation

That's like a litmus test for me. If you notice that in that sketch, and get the giggles from it…. then you are awesome.

I once made an animated gif of just Odenkirk stomp-mowing! Where is that gif. . . .

I watched this the day it was released on Netflix. Usually I'm late to the game. I must say that when the camera followed the woman walking out of the show, and Cross indicated that he often gets walk-outs like that, I thought, "That lady looks middle-aged. I think she was just hustling to go pee." Anyway, bladders
