
Was/is there any place doing a The Bear menu/tasting? It feels like it would be such an awesome experience (and like, better than a Mooby's pop up)

This reads like someone asked ChatGPT to write a review of the new season of The Bear in a parody of early 2000s Pitchfork, then ran it through Google Translate a few times and haphazardly pasted it back into their word processor while on a coke binge.

Overwritten or not, I will admit that reading that description of an Italian beef sandwich made me mad hungry. It doesn’t help that I’m reading this, well skimming to prevent spoilers, right before dinner.

“Simple sandwich?" This review is more like a word salad.

I’ve tried twice now but I can only get about half way through.

This is what happens when the majority of a site’s output is clickbait nonsense written by hacks: when they actually want to publish something longer and more thoughtful they don’t have anyone on staff capable of doing it anymore.

And sadly Lazarski probably got paid as much as any of the staff writers on the show!

please do not ulysses on this, the fifth day after bloomsday.

They’ve slowly started to air some of their Hulu shows on FX. Under The Banner of Heaven and The Patient aired earlier this year. Reservation Dogs (season 1) will air in a month or so.

I’m not usually one of the people in the comments, braying about how far the AVClub has fallen, but...this review is almost unreadable. It’s so, so overwritten. Like, to the point that the only possible reasons are that:

Dude, do you have any Adderall left? I need to shit out 1000 words myself. 

frustrated lunatics unable, unwilling, disinterested

This article is like a tasting menu…way too long, amazingly self indulgent, and hiding a few good things in a mass of filler.

I think the idea is the standard Shiv thing where she thought she was a genius but was only actually adequate. She gave Gil some decent advice for tussling with her father, but he only REALLY hired her for that/leverage on Logan, and it’s noted that her only actual victory was getting a liberal elected in NYC, which

I don’t know if she was a poor consultant or not, but the show definitely made clear that none of these kids were built to run a massive global operation.  They all made questionable and compulsive decisions, regularly, and no one in the company took them the least bit seriously.

I’ve said it before, but one of the things I wish they would have more firmly established is that Shiv was a terrible political consultant before everything went down. I think that is the idea, but there is some ambiguity that just maybe Shiv is actually competent. And I think the story is better if it is firmly

Exactly this. Kendall finally becoming daddy’s boy, except only in the sense that he ensured he’s gonna die alone and mourning him is gonna be complicated because he sure as hell didn’t suddenly become a CEO rockstar, is poetic as hell. He never had it in him to be Logan Roy II, the money maker, but when it came to be

I agree. They’re all idiots. All of them down.

You caught me, I clearly loathe this TV show I have written 25,000 words about and given uniformly high scores to.

How sad that she did not defend a domestic abuser. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2446693-brittney-griner-pleads-guilty-seeks-counseling-after-domestic-violence-arrest