
I watched season one of Russian Doll last year and I adored it and I low key fell in love with Natasha Lyonne. But then I saw Russian Doll season 2 this year and although I thought I was clamouring for more Natasha Lyonne, season two of that show was so weak compared to season one my brain has slotted her into the

So Columbo with more character development and a female lead. It sounds good, but then I loved Columbo back in the day. Sounds worth checking out.

I thought he died years ago.

Yeah, that’s some real dogshit title work.  They’re using “kicked off” in the “started with a bang” sense rather than “kicked off” in the “GTFO, DAKOTA!” sense.  But there’s no context anywhere to indicate which way that ambiguous phrase is being used, so it’s now just 100% clickbait.

I read it a couple times and I still don’t.

Had to reread the story title several times, before I understood that Dakota didn’t get kicked off Sundance because of her joke. 🥴😅

That’s the point of the scene though. There’s a weird inappropriate romance brewing between their characters. (and the peach has clearly been fucked, and he knows it.)

I don’t think Van wants to change Earn into someone who’s down with Oktoberfest—she wants him to spend time with her, even if he doesn’t like the setting, because it’s worth it to him. Which I think is fair (having been on both sides of that fun equation). But clearly it’s not worth it to Earn, which is also fair.

I don’t think that was Octoberfest. They were celebrating Fasching or possibly Fastnacht, which are German versions of Carnival. One of the characters even states this. Fastnacht is known as a time of foolishness. It incorporates the use of masks and costumes, it has a king and/or queen of the festival (which was

It was authentic as in it was the way those places (like Helen) are. Germany is not now nor was ever like that, but it’s just one of those things where the celebration of “tradition” rather becomes a caricature.

I don’t know that I agree with your assessment that he “wants to be somebody so bad.” I think he’s just taking the path of least resistance through life. It might be more accurate to say that he wants to be ANYbody so bad.

I think Earn really said it best when he said “I don’t know what I want.” He manages his cousin, not because he has a burning desire to be a manager, or even because he loves his cousin’s music, but because it was an (and maybe the only) opportunity presented to him. It’s the same thing with Van; she’s an opportunity

Well, of course they sell corny racist garbage - it’s capitalism, most of their trade comes from whites who are full of, ahem, Southern Pride.

Having been “an Earn” myself, I think I can sum up his attitude towards his relationship with Van with a line from Phonte:

That was perfect. Listening to demos and mixtapes is their job, but they don’t have a CD player because I guess the high-tech wireless system is too sleek to have a CD tray. Such a rich white young person thing: assume literally nobody ever uses technology that is even slightly outdated.

Dropping the full $4,000 on a gift card scam was so dumb. Isn’t Earn trying to find a place to stay? You can’t pay rent with a mall gift card, no matter how much money is on it. God damn, Earn.

I couldn’t stop laughing when “35 Savage” wouldn’t accept the CD... because digital yo. The look on Paper Boi’s face was priceless in these scenes.

The stuff with the child safety locks was funny I can relate because I have that problem when i get rides sometimes.

It was funny, but strained credibility for. No one under 45 — especially working in tech — actually uses hotmail.

When I was living in Durham, NC, “Robbin’ Season” started in mid-to-late August because that’s when all the college students came back to town.