
Where did I say they can’t blame the refs? Read comprehensively.

The taunting call was bad when you look at it in slow-mo (looks like it was intended for the ref but got stuck to Pryor’s gloves or something and wobbled down to Webb), but at full speed it looks flaggable.

No, the “get the fuck off of me” is enough. That’s a red card in soccer, even for the language.

That’s Evangel Christian playing—I guess the Rapture is real. The rest of us are probably screwed.

No wonder he’s a coveted recruit. He learned the game from his girlfriend’s brother, Manti Te'o.

I don’t think this is what Dad had in mind when he said “you gots to have a fall guy”, Duron.

is seeing something that reminds you that you were the best college football player in the country some sort of insult where you’re from?

Yea, becaus when you inexplicably get away with hitting people in the dick time and time again, you should just be able to get away with it forever.

Yep. Has nothing to do with the pattern of Green going after an opponent's nuts.

Mosgov’s legs were inside his body. This is a textbook screen. Not even close to a trip

Seriously Ley, what are you, the Warriors Info Minister? That screen was clean and legitimate, and if Mosgov was moving it was just barely and totally under the threshold usually tolerated in the NBA (see Green, Draymond for further clarification).

The only dirty thing here is Klay Thompson’s goatee, which should be arrested and launched into the sun on some sort of sun rocket. There is no guarantee it will be destroyed. In fact, there’s a good chance that the goatee manages to hijack the rocket and use the sun’s gravity and an altered trajectory to find its way

I’ve accidentally shot myself in a strip club before but I just went to the bathroom and cleaned up a bit.

this is the weird thing - Stephen A . Smith wasn’t terrible! His words were very heartfelt! (well except for him claiming that he remembered an Ali fight when he was 3, which I’ll take with a grain of salt) As I mentioned on a different post last night, last night was ESPN at it’s best - literally what’s been missing

Typical of soccer to have an important match decided in a shootout.

I think we should all take a moment, gather our thoughts, and immediately start jumping to conclusions using whatever stereotypes come to mind. Considering it’s a nice day out let’s also engage in a pointlessly hostile debate on gun control.

Votto doesn’t like to play baseball the Wright way.

Jesus Wept: My Life in the NFL

Good hush puppies need a fryer. Who brings a fryer to a BBQ? Number one is clearly corn on the cob. Number two is Hellman’s back of the mayo jar recipe potato salad. And number three is your mother in law not making it because she got hit by a car.