
“IF” she wants to be taken seriously? There are literally college classes taught on her Harry Potter series. She’s become one of the most influential fiction writers of our time, but please, feel free to tell us how she needs to write...

Not doing more research on this particular subject was a mistake, but I highly

Which might be a good thing. It makes people have to do their own research.

Accurate. Rude, crude and offensive, but accurate.

Guys... she named her school HOGWARTS. Warts of a Hog. I don’t think she’s trying to sound cool...

How EXACTLY is this cultural appropriation any more than the use of any other mythological creature in history? Guess we can’t have any more dragons in stories, that’s Chinese cultural appropriation. Oh, better not use mermaids either, since that’s Greek. She’s not painting a huge banner with a red face and calling it

I actually really love them. It makes perfect sense. It’s not like she named the houses after the tribes, she named them after the monsters in lore, and they’re pretty cool at that. Reminds me of mascots in the USA, like the Carter Cougars. How exactly is it cultural appropriation to use creatures in mythology? She’s

I kind of agree, but I also understand why they might not follow these expectations. Slytherins are very dedicated to self-preservation and personal gain, Hufflepuffs are very loyal, but they tend to be loyal to one another and would want to stay together, and they’re not big on bravery, Ravenclaws would have weighed