Run Stone Cold Steve Austin, you cowards
Run Stone Cold Steve Austin, you cowards
The entire western conference vs the refs is my favorite rivalry right now.
It’s dumb because it wasn’t like this at Rockies games until they added metal detectors which they did like 12 years after 9/11
Is Greenwald a spy? What’s his deal?
Worth remembering the actual Manchurian Candidate was a boring white guy with no coherent platform
I think it’s because 2020 campaign season is on in earnest
I’m going to bet Elizabeth Warren about green stuff and that dude who is running on national security
They also roster tendered Rashard Higgins who is legit so there’s now a huge log jam lol
Have you noticed all of Trump’s efforts to stop legal immigration incentivize illegal immigration 🤔🤔🤔
The NBA should also put Utah on a warning saying if anything like this happens again they’ll have an empty arena game like it’s the Serbian National soccer team or whatever
It speaks to the damage Bibi has done to Israeli civil society as well as the growing proportion of Israeli citizens who are highly conservative/orthodox and support Likud etc
Looking back at that draft...what the fuck? Maybe the best player was taken at 41?????
I was talking about Boban
They got a top 10 player in PER what else could they want
He likes fame but not being asked “What do you think the key to tonight’s game was” three times a week, I get it
It’s funny because I see people who post “mueller is a traitor and the whole investigation is a liberal plot” right along side Q stuff that says Mueller is trying RBG at Guantanamo right this second and shit. It’s like it’s all a defense mechanism
The refs have been on one lately. Paul Millsap got a tech for slamming the ball yesterday
The video has a brother and sister getting weirdly handsy!
Thanks to John Hickenlooper I am extremely high right now. He’s got my vote
Writing for Deadspin means it’s not just your right but your job to call people dumb