
He says that a lot 

Is George just trying to get Rudy disbarred 

This is the kind of chicanery you see in fragile post soviet states....which I guess Georgia is now that you mention it


Ernie Grunfeld can’t even pass messages correctly. My god 

In both directions 


I agree, Santa Clara is a terrible choice 

“Half a baby is more than zero babies”-the Washington Post probably

He also knows the black budget which includes a fair bit of contracting too....probably 

Joe’s chance was 2016 and he didn’t even try so like 

Have a better backup than Josh Dobbs would be my recommendation 

The Nuggets truly are the greatest franchise and nobody ever gives us credit 

How many inside the park home runs would Billy Hamilton hit if you dropped him into the polo grounds in 1927 for a year? 100? 

The government is going to fall. We need a confidence vote 

Uhhh buddy those people are paid, not JUCO transfers 

Did his balls blow up again 

Dido should be COS cause she will go down with this ship 

It’s the same mentality. It’s gotten worse publicly in the last 8 

Booger is good for a one liner now and then at least