
I was fully expecting a shitload of straight comments like these. Especially after the mess in that Bladerunner post.

Ha. I hear ya, but corporations have made dumb mistakes before. Recently Lego tried to tease the huge Millenium Falcon set with this image...

In all (humorous) seriousness, I’ve often wondered about the first people to try to eat/drink things, and how that has to take some time for others to catch on. I mean, how many stories are there about how people figured out which plants and fungi were edible? In the Philippines, we have this coffee that people pay

Thanks for the follow up. Appreciate the dialogue. Since you identified as Latino, let me give context for my limited but peripheral p.o.v. First, I’m not Latino. A Filipino born in L.A. who grew up in Downey, Paramount, Southgate, and Norwalk, CA. I have family and friends who’ve been in and around Filipino and

I don’t know. Is it just that “Critics didn’t like the movie” or something more? Is it fair to say that, “People [are] making it out to be something shitty” or that it’s actually shitty? I think the they key is in this part: “...Ayer is proving that he can make action movies that are surface level good but shallow...”

Curious. You mad at MPC too for putting this video package and likely a press release for media outlets? I’m not begrudging you the ability to be upset, but I guess I’m appealing to reason. You said it yourself...it’s a week before release on home video, which means news outlets like this one are riding the marketing

Damn. This sounds great. The use of Imagineering’s (then WED) original concepts is brilliant. Many Disney parks geeks like me would’ve loved to see those stories get some life in the public eye, and they way this pitch wanted to tie them all together into a larger narrative is incredibly fun. Further, it would’ve made

Nice. Ironically, that plot overview actually works for the Earth aspects of the original Marvel comics. I hope they don’t pull a Lundgren/Langella film adaptation of Masters or the Universe* and spend most of their time on Earth. That should be the twist at the end of the season. They should use season 1 to show us

I’d love a dramatic reuse of this line...preferably building to Cameron Ruck yelling at Karza: “I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I’m going to take a stand. I’m going to defend it. Right or wrong, I’m going to defend it.”

To each... I’m curious about the following:

I bet it’s one of the Avengers, the Defenders, or the Runaways.

Nah, that was still insightful (and sad). I was curious. Cheers.

Yes, udder failure. M’bad.

Utterly fascinating.

Curious. From your family, do you know if infractions for trigger discipline or documented incidents of excessive force have any potential impact on loss of retirement benefits or limited ability to avail of overtime pay opportunities?

In my perfect world, John Williams would be able to generate the main themes for all SW films in this way, or have time to mentor an eventual heir to the franchise. His unique brand of and ability to generate appropriate, memorable, and powerful themes for key characters and settings is as Star Wars as opening

Yeah, just read The Brick Show’s Google translations of the Russian website. Based on the shitty translations alone, we really can’t earnestly be trying to find “spoilers” here, unless we’re expecting thorns and ax-thunderers being major plot points.

I actually think that walker might be in the TLJ background in a shot of that door-buster-miniature-****H-S*A*-tech (avoiding spoilers) weapon thing. It was being dragged by those two larger versions of the walkers and I thought the little LEGO walkers were there. It was my 4th viewing but my first time looking for

Had fun with the 4 episodes of “The Toys That Made Us” the other night. Oddly though, the opening sequence mentions 8 episodes. I want the other four...now. Anyone know what gives Hoping that LEGO and Transformers are included.

I mean...maybe? The Last Jedi just proved that Lucasfilm isn’t scared of taking the franchise to new/different places, however Han Solo is fairly synonymous with the Millenium Falcon...as is the entire SW franchise. To put in a “different” ship of the same model on a poster? That fails Occham’s Razor. I mean, should I