K A Salm

“What kind of things do you like me to do with you body?” Jeb said as I looked over the contract. “Do you like it when I keep it from healthcare?” Oh my. My inner goddess screams YES but I blush.

I wonder if his entire political career will turn out to be some Dada-esque performance piece?

I hope he doesn’t drop out anytime soon. Now that Trump has somewhat reeled in the crazy and Carson is about to drop out any day, we don’t have a lot of people who will bring the funny anymore.

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

yo babs was the ONLY ONE who said he shouldn’t run for president and i think he bitterly resents his father for making him do this when he just wants to sit at home and cook with mom

It’s pronounced like “You BABY!”

God I’d love to cave in his face with a length of heavy steel pipe or maybe half a cinder block. Those smug, sniggering, smarmy facial expressions fill me with homicidal rage, it’s all so contrived and rehearsed and utterly phony. And that annoying little “what, me worry?” shrug of his with the hand gestures and that

The most comprehensive response to this asshattery was a comment on MSN.com by someone named Angela Blue pointing out the uber-hypocrisy:

Funny you should mention ... I saw this on Gavin Newsom’s Instagram this morning.

Jonathan Franzen is so far up his own butthole he’s about to create a singularity

Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman in space in 1992, and would start every shift on the Space Shuttle with Uhura’s famous words: ‘Hailing frequencies open.’ I like that.

My favorite part of the sizzling plates was saying “now, be careful because this plate is extremely hot” and of course, the first thing that the doofus does is touch the plate.

The fact that you are not gray is annoying, but please stick to the topic. Protip: beauty standards are not part of this conversation.

Any place that has their own way of using language, their own unique vocabulary, especially replacing strongly negative words with softer sounding euphemisms, is generally a place to stay away from.

So Lululemon = Scientology - aliens + yoga pants? That’s what I’m taking from this.

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

I still don’t fucking understand what Gammergate is

If we can blame everything bad that happens in black communities as the fault of absentee fathers, can we blame this on the presence of white fathers?