K A Salm

Oh man, I love that look on her face. Bless that man.

I am going to rewatch BrainDead now.

I did the same but at a Waldenbooks (RIP) during the Holiday season. Never leave me in charge of a cash register.

I always thought the “Run Country” instruction manual would be bigger.

The next four years are going to be an excellent replacement for the Ringling Brother’s Circus.

My thoughts exactly. It is easy to point out all the things she does in defense of him, but how much of that is in self preservation. You do crazy things to protect yourself from the wrath of an abuser.

I love how his neck jowls jangle.

My workplace is a Pokemon Gym. Let’s just say I know what I am doing on my lunch break.

I thought we discussed this a long time ago. This is like when Ricky Martin came out of the closet and I thought that had happened a decade prior.

I’ve never heard of this television show Shark Tank.

Clearly this man has not heard of separation of church and state.

I love this comic. I have nothing witty to add to this statement. I just love it.

I don’t really see why it looks ‘fall out of your seat’ disturbing. Have you seend Alpha and Omega? That is some disturbing CG.

I watched that clip and proceeded to lose my mind. It was as though I was looking into the gaping maw of the Elder Gods. I was twisted into a shaking, yawping form of madness.

We all know who Rick Scott really is!

That’s exactly how I get up....

RE: Cannonball....

Jeb’s face says it all.

Please please please don’t tarnish the announcement of Jughead as asexual CW...pleeeeaseeee.

Brings new meaning to The BoxTrolls