Even zuckerberg looks cute next to him.
Even zuckerberg looks cute next to him.
This is important because so many people encourage kids to hug or kiss people they might not want to - whether it’s an adult or other kid. I mean. The intent is not bad, it’s cute or charming.
Not surprised to see Penn State have its way with a young OSU team.
The bimbo comment was in regard to Monica, who in her very own words was a mistress, not a victim. I’m betting many women have called their husband’s mistress’ that, and worse.
Also keep in mind the president who probably advanced civil rights the furthest was LBJ who was the dirtiest player in the game. The most moral president we have ever had was Jimmy Carter who accomplished very, very little. Do you want goodness or greatness?
The Trump Effect. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, here. I’m prepared for a bunch of hateful shit on the horizon due to the new ‘anti-PC’ bullshit sentiment being voiced by certain people.
I’m pretty sure that is the guy who once looked sexy with his hair pushed back.
He’s scared that he will lose, so he’s already covering just in case. Sad!
41% of Americans are idiots who can’t read the writing on the wall that even more Americans really do fucking hate this guy that much that they won’t let him win.
+ 1 for finding the only respectable use of ‘misandrist’ I’ve ever seen. Bravo, Scout.
The nightmare absolutely will not end on election day. It may every well get worse.
So Billy Bush is too offensive to our delicate sensibilities to be on tv, but Drumpf is still ok to be president? This election will forever be known as our great national embarrassment.
I’m trying to wrap my head around a person being offended on behalf of a Jewish state and accusing someone of being a Nazi while themselves using anti-Semitic slurs. Just... fucking wow.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection between Trump voters and people who interact with the outside world
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.
How was this misleading? She did indeed have a 32 week abortion. The difference is that her baby was not viable and she had to go through the rest of that before she had what is an abortion.
Methinks the point has flown right over your wee head.
How exactly is it misleading?
fuck off