I really don't think I'd call this pose "seductive." Also, from my limited experience with comics/graphic novels, I seem to recall a lot of art featuring SpiderMAN posed pretty much this same way.
What is the difference between this cover and the cover to Anaconda?
Did they pay $10,000 for the photos?
Wow. Great find.
That's why Ive always liked Tracy Moore's take on things. She can be overtly on the edge of things (just like former jezzie Lindy West) but so far as I can recollect, girl sticks to her guns (Unlike Lindy West. Example: Her "FUCK THE POPE" vs "How to be an atheist without being a dick" post she wrote a couple months…
It appears that being aggressively hypocritical (not to mention incapable of self-awareness) is considered a qualification at Gawker Media, although thankfully there are notable exceptions.
8/10. Would incarcerate.
"It's pretty gross, actually, in the same way that the Jeremy Meeks fiasco was pretty gross..."
It's pretty gross, actually, in the same way that the Jeremy Meeks fiasco was pretty gross,
I'm not sure how that would work. They aren't being accused of raping a specific person, and rape doesn't typically leave easily-findable physical evidence like stashing a body or holding stolen goods does.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "a 2-8% chance"? I say that because you link below says 2-8% — and while normally I wouldn't quibble over a six percent, in this case the difference represents a potential 400% difference from the number you've doubled-down on.
2-8% of rape accusations are false after an investigation has been performed. These men have had no say in the matter nor have their been any sort of third party inquiry. Your stats are therefore meaningless.
That's weird, your reply to my comment shows up in my feed but not on the page. I'm confused by your point about adding more accused rapists not mattering - isn't part of the reason false accusations are rare because of the rarity of convictions? Arresting people based on anonymous lists would allow anyone to threaten…
Wouldn't that mean there's an 11% chance that one of the six is innocent?
Are you getting 2% from somewhere, or is that just a random low number?
Someone working at McDonald's who gets raped by her supervisor will probably get a better shot at justice than most college students. Why?
Alright Katie riddle me this.