This is fantastic. My four year old dauther is loving that Thor's a female right now (I'm digging this run on the book as well.). The more bad ass women in comics the better I saw.
This is fantastic. My four year old dauther is loving that Thor's a female right now (I'm digging this run on the book as well.). The more bad ass women in comics the better I saw.
Good. Another nail in the coffin for the "common wisdom" that female-led media doesn't sell.
How great is it that Ward stayed evil, and isn't shoe-horned into every other episode, much less presented as a star-crossed love interest for Skye?
When do we get the announcement that Johnny Lee Miller has been cast in a Marvel property?! Needs to happen.
I cannot even imagine seeing all that at once. I saw Raiders about 20 times in the theater though.
I love this movie.
So Avengers: Age of Ultron isn't the only movie with an action-packed trailer out today! Mr. Holmes stars Sir Ian…
She wrote to DC Comics about this, which tweeted at her, "Thanks, Rowan. We agree, we're working hard to create more superhero fun for girls!"
God I hope this involves the women getting fed up with the Illuminati/SHIELD Avengers bickering and telling them to shove off and let them defend the world.
Brb, freaking out until I melt into a pile of nerd goo.
Excellent now make it into a movie!
There are many more independents and liberals here in the heartland than Mike Huckabee wants to admit. He already knows it but that just didn't fit on the banner that he fingerpainted with Scott Walker and Rick Perry during Arts and Crafts hour.
As a representative of the "American Heartland" woman, in my forties, I hate to break it to M. Hucks, but we've been smoking, swearing, fucking, and drinking in the flyover states for quite a while now. Wearing pants, voting, showing our ankles, the whole shebang. It's like we think we're people or something.
This is Fox pivoting somewhat to the reality that if they want younger viewers and particularly female viewers, they have to act like they're not in line with the old white men of the GOP who won't shut up.
Whenever Mike Huckabee speaks, I want to make a jack-off motion with my hand.
Marvel, you are outdoing yourself on my freaking television.