
Yeah, something tells me you were never voting for the democrat to begin with.

This is a great step forward but until they fire a few higher ups it’s still a lot of talk..

Could someone please do something about this idiot being out the greys?

like Private Pyle getting beat with the soap in Full Metal Jacket.

Alright, I got this wrong. Now to wait out the tide of people telling me so.

I think the charges that were dismissed were for alcohol and brass knuckles and occurred prior to the murder.

Jabba, please!

ok boomer

I guess in every sexual assault story there’s always one victim blaming asshole. Today, it was you!

This is quite a belittling comment. 

I think a lot of people suspect that the service will dip when the new waiter knows he’s only getting 20% of dessert and coffee. But let’s be real: it ruins the class dynamic some customers enjoy indulging (I mean, it would never happen at Per Se).

“I’ve found over the years that X and O stuff really doesn’t work-

The assembled justices listened to oral arguments from Miss Hattie Mae Jenkins, whose refrigerator was topped with framed photos of her trip to the Bahamas, her nephew’s graduation and one Polaroid with a man who Miss Jenkins said “ain’t shit,” but was displayed because she said her “tiddies looked good in that

I maaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy have injured myself attempting to hold in my snort of laughter at this one. That’s going in the files.

In other words: FTP.

Sweet yeezus you killed me at Mayopolitan! I wish I could star this more than once

But even though Braasch hasn’t seen the video, she contends that she feels like it would exonerate her, adding that the “supervising officer who came late to the scene...was very hostile to me...He began berating me and I found his behavior to be very hostile...I was the harasser instead of the person being harassed.

“This statement really is owned by the entire organization,” Sehgal said. “This team needs to wear this statement. We screwed up. And we’re going to own it as a team. We’re going to share responsibility for it and we’re not going to point fingers at any one person. We’re going to own it as a team. And that’s the right

Ugh.  I have a Conservative friend on Facebook who was livid about this.  Thankfully, she got called out on it, by us Liberal types as all of the Conservative media links she was sharing, only had the father’s side of the story.  Although, despite the debate that when down on her Facebook post, she did start to

That kid will need so much therapy, but not because of gender issues.