
I know a guy in San Diego who is a very talented graffiti artist. He actually sells his work and gets commissions. He was defending this woman when the story first broke, saying art was more important than rocks. I lost all respect for him. There are a million boring rocks that aren’t in national parks. Hell, you

Good news / Bad news—Bears are smart. Round knobs will not stop them. Bears are The Best !! Always.

The online lobbies of games should have specific areas you can enter. One for annoying teenagers and skilled young adults, and an area specifically for adults with kids and/or responsibilities. They should require some sort of authentication so the kids can’t come in and pown us noobs. Playing with people of similar

When I was in college at Oregon State University (1 hour north of UofO), our co-op house took a yearly trip to Lake Shasta on a trio of huge luxury houseboats (hot tubs, home theaters, 5 bedrooms, etc).

We always got incredibly cheap rates on these boats since we had a dry house, and took pains to keep the boats tidy

Thats OSU not UO. As an OSU alum I’ll tell you, you’re talking about night and day difference in student bodies. UO is widely known in the west (and spreading across the US) as having one of if not the worst student bodies/fans in the country.

As someone who attended UO for some postgraduate crap, this story is a perfect example of the UO student body. The entire campus is a bunch of bros and bottle blondes. I never had a night out without seeing at least two bros get into a drunken fight in a bar or on the streets.

Air Koryo: Ilyushins of Grandeur!

Anyone else see this?

From 10 or 11, I was that kid with a single targeted career in mind: Video Game Design. Spurred on by my electrical engineer father who taught himself to program in the days of punchcards, I even managed to find one of the few respectable colleges that had game design as a subset of their comp-sci program.